Lines of expression and wrinkles are marks that appear on the face as a result of repetitive gestures that are made by some emotion or natural aging, however there are several ways to prevent their early appearance. So, today we want to talk about how to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
According to Pedro Clavería, dermatologist member of the Chilean Society of Dermatology, the skin ages by two main factors. One of them is intrinsic, related to the passing of the years, which affects all the cells, and which is known as chrono aging that varies according to race, gender and skin phototype of each person. “This process depends on the cumulative damage by substances called reactive oxygen species, which damage our genetic material and alter the normal processes of repair,” he says.
And the extrinsic or environmental, ie those to which the body is exposed daily, “Highlighting ultraviolet radiation (photo aging), malnutrition either by excess or deficit, smoking and stress,” explains the specialist of the University Clinic of Concepción, in Chile.
You can take into account some care such as the use of a topical solution specially designed to reduce the lines of expression and moisturise the skin. There are several good quality solutions available over the counter or by prescription.
Also, you should be careful with the sun, since it is the worst enemy of the skin. Therefore, it is important to use a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more, avoid staying out in the sun between 10 AM and 4 PM, use physical barriers such as hats, sunglasses and photo protective clothing.
Try not to smoke, and if you do, this is another reason why you should quit. Many studies have confirmed that smoking makes the skin look older, especially by releasing an enzyme that breaks down collagen and elastin, which are important elements in keeping the skin young.
Another alternative to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles, is not to consume alcoholic beverages. Excessive consumption of alcohol can damage the blood vessels of the skin. In addition, it can damage the liver, which could lead to the appearance of wrinkles.
Also, consider drinking enough water. When you are dehydrated, your wrinkles may look deeper. Stay well hydrated to keep your skin looking healthy. Water is the best remedy for everything and of course the most accessible. A reliable way to know if you are drinking enough water is by paying attention to your urine.
Finally, to improve the appearance of lines and wrinkles you can choose to consume antioxidants, that way you will have a more radiant and healthy skin, since these fight free radicals that can damage cells. Some examples are blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, artichokes and plums.