Health is the most important element in the life of human beings, therefore, men and women do our best to maintain it, integrally minding it. That is why, its necessary to take care of every part of the body from head to toe. However, we always end up focusing on the parts of the body, where many believe that beauty lies, because of that a part neglect by many are the feet. This way making it, in one of the most prone zones for illnesses, injuries, infections and diseases, that could have an impact on our health and affect the functioning of our body.
One of the most common diseases that can affect the foot, are ingrown toenails, which are caused mainly by: wear very narrow shoes, infections, badly cut nails and injuries that alter the shape of the nails or fingers. But if you have this disease, here are some tips to treat it:
- To prevent infection and relieve pain, put your feet in a large bowl and soak them in warm water for 20 minutes. Following this perform a cleaning of the foot or toes affected, with an antibacterial soap, hydrogen peroxide or iodine; then apply an antibiotic ointment at least twice a day, can be in the morning upon waking up and at night before bed.
- Carefully place a small piece of wet cotton under the nail to separate from the skin and prevent the nail to grow into it, must be replaced daily after washing your foot until it is fully healed. Also, it is recommended for prevent infections, bandage the nail and change the bandage daily.
- Cut your toenails straight to avoid ingrown areas also avoid cutting them very short or too round, as will be more likely to grow into the skin and incarnate.
- Wear comfortable shoes that do not generate pressure or rubbing on the nails and always keep your feet clean and dry. If your feet sweat a lot, you should always apply a little powder to counteract the possible sweating because sweat softens the skin and allows it to be penetrated by the nail.
- As a last resort, depending on the severity of your injury, if you do not see improvement after implementing the previous advice, maybe it’s time to see a specialist to have a surgery, which in these cases has high effectiveness and minimize the recurrence of ingrown toenails up to 97%.
If you have followed our advices, you can get rid of this disease very soon, but remember that health should start with the feet, so do not expect them remind you and be aware that your care is a not just a matter of beauty. Devote the time to spoil them and in the long run your feet will thank you with firm steps accompanying you for a lifetime.