Health is the most precious thing that human beings have, because without it we cannot function properly in our day to day, hence the importance we must give to take care of our body as best we can. However, there are parts of our body we do not attach much importance to, for example, our teeth, which affect other parts of the body if they are in poor condition.

In this way, healthy maintenance of the gums and teeth is essential not only to have good dental health, but for the health of the entire body. Therefore, we must run out the resources to avoid cavities, stained or yellow teeth and bad breath, which is very simple with the use of homemade recipes based on natural products easy to get and use, becoming treatments practical, fast and efficient.

That is why we will describe some of these natural elements and how to apply them, so that you can take care of your teeth, preventing the bacteria from causing oral inflammations, which if prolonged for a long time can cause health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and even oral cancer.

Let’s start with a simple recipe, which consists in rinsing the mouth with water and salt, which is said it is very useful to eradicate caries, since salt has antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which act directly on the oral cavity to reduce inflammation and eliminate infection, which minimizes pain quickly and effectively.

It is advisable to use warm water to completely dissolve a half spoonful of salt, and then take an adequate amount that allows the swish to be made with movements, rinsing with this solution every three or four hours for a week or so.

We continue with garlic, that small natural product that has so many properties and works to counteract many affections of the organism. One of its most prized properties is its high antiseptic capacity, which can be applied to the teeth by making a mixture with four cloves of garlic and half a teaspoon of coarse salt. To do this, you must peel the garlic, mash it until you get a thin paste, then add the coarse salt, and apply the same on the affected area for about 10 to 15 minutes. Finally rinse the mouth very well, and repeat the procedure twice a day for about 15 to 20 days to obtain satisfactory results.

Another natural product that has been widely used for many years is cloves, those same ones that are used in the elaboration of sweets and drinks and that have a very pleasant flavour, because they are an aromatic species, which in turn have very effective antiseptic properties in the treatment of caries, and that help to reduce the pains caused by it.

It is advisable to use the cloves in the form of infusion, which should be prepared by putting a handful of these cloves in a cup with 250 millilitres of water.

First, boil some water, and when the water reaches the boiling point, add the cloves, letting the mixture boil for about 5 minutes more so that the infusion contains enough essence and its effect is greater. Let it stand for about ten minutes, to rinse two or three times a day for about 15 days. It is advisable to perform this procedure, every 2 or 3 months in a preventive manner, so there is no pain or inflammation of the gums.

Another natural remedy is the mixture of sage and mint that because of its antifungal properties help to relieve pain and inflammation as they act directly on bacteria, blocking their destructive action on the teeth and gums. To apply them in the oral cavity, an infusion should be prepared, consisting of half a teaspoon of sage, half a teaspoon of mint, half a glass of water, a teaspoon of salt and four drops of liquid vegetable glycerine.

First, to prepare the infusion, put both herbs in a container with half a glass of water, and let it boil for about five minutes, then add the salt and four drops of vegetable glycerine, stir and let stand a few minutes, to then insert the toothbrush into the infusion and brush the teeth as usual.

And who has not heard of the great properties of sodium bicarbonate, which is associated it even with chemotherapy for cancer patients, with the preparation of deodorants, the treatment of stains on clothes, and of course, with the preparation of toothpastes?

So if you want to have whiter and brighter teeth, you could try it by using this wonderful product you can get at the pharmacy or any authorized establishment for sale. Rinse your mouth once a week with a mixture of water and half a teaspoon of baking soda, or make a paste and place it on the toothbrush to brush as you traditionally do. Some people also add lemon juice to that pasta.

And believe it or not, in the banana peel there is a magnificent and effective natural product, even less aggressive than sodium bicarbonate. To use this peel, you must first wash your teeth as usual, and then rub the inside for about two minutes with the peel. If you do it daily for a longer or shorter time you will notice that your teeth look much whiter.

Another peel that is very effective is that of orange, which is very useful for removing stains from teeth, and it should be used as the banana peel, rubbing the white part against the teeth daily for about five minutes.

A natural product that is very beneficial and has a lot of applications is basil, which helps to decrease the possibility of suffering from halitosis, protecting the gums and whitening the enamel of teeth. What you should do is very simple: before going to bed, chew a leaf of this wonderful plant to let it act throughout the night, and after a few weeks of daily application, you can see the difference and show whiter teeth.

An excellent companion of housewives is parsley; those twigs that work miracles in many recipes have incredible medicinal properties, and for the treatment and prevention of halitosis they are fantastic; you just have to boil several twigs with two cloves in two cups of water, stirring the mixture to then let it stand, cool and strain to use this liquid after as a mouthwash several times a day for as long as it is convenient. This way you can keep bacteria away, protecting your teeth, giving them more whiteness and avoiding spots.

Also, if your teeth have spots that limit your smile, it is convenient to gargle with apple vinegar, which favours their gradual elimination and in addition a more complete oral hygiene is obtained, blocking the action of bacteria. This can be done once a day for a long time, since its action is natural and its frequent use does not affect at all.

Sage infusion is an effective alternative to clean teeth and keep them whiter. To prepare it, sage leaves are taken, boiled until the infusion is obtained, which is used during the diurnal and nocturnal rinsing process. It is also used by applying the leaf directly on the teeth, making movements similar to those of the toothbrush to achieve effective rubbing, which has been a custom in some places in the East for hundreds of years.

Green tea is well known for its medicinal properties, and a study of Oral Biology, ensures that the use of this wonderful natural product can greatly favour dental health because it is a natural fluoride that destroys the bacteria that cause tooth decay, effectively protecting teeth and preventing bad breath. To use it you should drink 3 to 4 cups a day without sugar or honey. Another option that is widely used in some countries is chewing gum made of green tea, without sugar, which provides the entertainment and custom of chewing gum lovers and in turn they are greatly protecting their teeth.

On the other hand, liquorice root helps to keep your teeth and gums healthy, because it contains two predominant compounds that are licoricidin and liquorisoflavin, which have antibacterial properties preventing dental diseases. Normally a little powder of the root of dried liquorice is used, and with that teeth are brushed daily, although there is another way to apply it, which is by taking the soft liquorice rod to brush directly with it.

There are other fabulous recipes to take care of your teeth with natural products, which we will describe in other articles. Finally, we have to recommend that in addition to brushing regularly, you should avoid carbonated drinks and acid juices that can decalcify the enamel, and coffee, tea or wine that can dye teeth, floss to eliminate food surpluses, change the toothbrush every three months and of course, visit to the dentist periodically.

In summary, oral hygiene should not only depend on a conventional toothpaste, but can be tested with very effective natural recipes that are available to most people, and that offer wonderful benefits that everyone should try. So encourage yourself to try the products mentioned here and favour your teeth to always look wonderful.