Spiritual source to many, the heliotrope is a stone considered as a quartz and purifying gem of the body in physical and spiritual levels. This can be found in dark green patterned with spots or intense red blends, it is about a stone that is not transparent, has a solid internal structure.

The interpretations of its colors, are given by the mixture of red and green, involving a harmonious combination between the fourth and fifth ray, the rays of Venus and Mars, it functions as energy consumption that make to lose strength, vigor, and prevent the proper use of relationships. This is of great importance to people, through this can be proven that other types of connections in astral levels exist.

This fabulous stone generates an intense ability to dispel evil and negativity, leading spiritual energies to a better and positive approach. At the same time, this stone cleans, activates and heals the inner soul of a person, achieving better interpersonal relationships thereof, which are fundamental to know and open the heart.


This gemstone is used to create energy, which may become allied with each other to find the coupling of two people, making easier to reach agreements of all kinds in the loving and personal level. This beautiful stone can be very useful to combat states of despair that cause anxieties, depressions disability or romantic affective disorders, therefore, is considered as a good remedy for lovesickness or unrequited love.

The attraction that it generates through its use, clarifies the feelings of attraction to other people, helping you to define what the best option is in your personal life, for whom you feel more affection and she can reciprocate equally. It also creates a balance between the energies around us, and causes high levels of attraction to romantic events and appearances, thus achieving a balance between relationships.

Implementing all aspects that this stone gives you, certainly raises the level of sexual intimacy, thus achieving the balance of sexual impulses and healing love wounds.
In life, attraction presents to us day by day, but is a matter of knowing what helps us to stay stable as people, and what are those aspects that make us achieve moments of happiness every day. After learning what they are, what the most we want is sharing with those closest people in our personal lives.

By using this stone, you can achieve high levels of positive attraction in your life, which prove that even when you’re going through difficult situations there is a way to see how beautiful the world is.