A healthy and sustainable lifestyle implies a series of changes in your diet and lifestyle, which undoubtedly impact on different aspects, allowing you to have a better health and a much more sustainable life.

One of the recommendations is to eat cereal for breakfast, to add one or two servings of fruits and some protein. An ideal breakfast is instant oatmeal, with vegetable, soy or almond milk as well as some fruit. It is important to eliminate sugar from your diet.

It is advisable to eat a healthy snack, such as a handful of nuts, a tangerine or an apple. For dinner, it is recommended to eat vegetables, preferably spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, seasoning them with lemon.

Including a routine of resistance and cardiovascular exercises will help you a lot. It is also highly recommended to practice yoga and do meditation exercises. Incorporating this healthy habit will help you sleep better, be more productive and will affect your mood, so your decisions will be much more accurate.

To get around short distances, you should better walk or ride a bicycle instead of other means of transport that, beside causing pollution, generate a high cost in terms of fuel and maintenance.

A healthy life must be accompanied by a sustainable life, since a good diet should include organic food, that your body processes faster. They also have a high nutritional value and a higher concentration of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to consume foods such as lentils or chickpeas, instead of meat of animal origin, as they will sate you and are less harmful.

Keep in mind that ecological or organic products are vegetable products, animals or their by-products, which are produced and made with natural substances, without any type of pesticide or fertilizers of chemical origin. They are also free of antibiotics, hormones, metal residues, artificial colors or flavors.

Also, a sustainable life means being careful with the planet, avoiding using disposable products, having recycling habits and using ecological market bags, which in the long run have long-term effects on the environment.

It is important to educate children on having good eating habits. First, you must set the example to your children; if you eat correctly, your children will follow suit. Have your children participate in the food purchasing process, indicating which organic products they should include in their diets.

It is also a good idea to involve them in the preparation of food as it will improve their relationship with the products they consume and will contribute to the latter being valued. Remember that children should consume a proper ration according to their constitution, incorporating fruits and choosing vegetable protein for snack time.

Other habits for a sustainable life are related to the products that we usually use at home. For example replacing regular light bulbs with LED bulbs will represent substantial savings in your budget.