The energetic medicine is one that heals your body through physical, mental and spiritual field; because it considers the tangible and ethereal elements of the human being. This medicine recognizes that good health is in concordance with the most intense energetic meaning of the people on the body, accepting that the mind is its primary and dominant guide, therefore, the body and the soul must be evaluated in the same manner and admit that they are closely linked by an extensive entity called society, other living beings called nature and the cosmos which comprises the universe.

Being the oldest medicine of the world, the study and research of Chinese scientists, precursors in this field, it was not a solitary act, because other traditions also recognized the vital energy, among them Hindus prana and greek pneuma; however in the west Dr. Wilhelm Reich, (1897-1957), he discovered the same energy that he called orgonica, whose goal is the study of that force in the world of living beings, their environment and the world.

To understand the relationship between energy, body and “psyche”, we think in a plant: the roots and the trunk are the vital energy, the main branches are the body, accompanied by conscious and unconscious processes of the human mind; imagine one without the other is absurd, this means, that the link that you to have with the reality of your thoughts, it is the fundamental principle at the time of study your sufferings; because our body is an invigorating force in perennial variation, coordinated by a disposition which is evaluating it at every moment, this is what we call the conscience.


This means that the way of thinking, acting and express your ideas at some point, is what often hinders the recovery of the condition that you suffer; driving you on many occasions to get sick, that’s why energetic medicine highlights the ideology of the people finding inside their origins and fundaments, not only to observe the demonstrations that emits the body, but to remove the symptoms by restoring the harmonious balance.

There are different practices of implementation of the energy medicine such as acupuncture, in which needles are inserted into points of the body to treat diseases; the biological remodeling which evaluates the health states in the body; the “Mora” method which is a procedure where the undesirable waves are taken from the body increasing them or decreasing them; the “reiki” system which is an imposition of hands to cure the patient through the energy of the own body; the reflexology that stimulates the points on the feet, hands, nose, and ears by applying massage.

From the wide field of energy medicine, variety of alternatives emerge, achieving to put an end to many illnesses and ailments that will allow you to enjoy a life full of physical, mental and emotional health.