Sometimes people feel that they are going wrong in every moment, as if a black cat (superstitious symbol of bad luck), was passed in front of them or if they had a gray cloud on their head that rains negative situations on a daily. But, what if it were so? That, though maybe we literally don’t have clouds on us, we have been victims of the wishes of the black magic, reaching to contaminate the thoughts of individuals and in turn the good fortune.

These enchantments can disappear and never enter in our body again. This is possible through a meditation ritual that will serve to dispel the opaque cloud that lurks us and only brings problems.

If our case is similar, or simply we wish to protect ourselves before be in the crosshairs of the malignant sorcery, the following indications will help us to escape from all these misfortunes and will not make life in us again. We should get five thick candles of white color, holy water, salt and five bay leaves.

The white color in the candles represents the purity of the soul, cleaning and harmony. Its role in the rite is to expel from us everything negative that we can possess, in turn, will create a protective barrier that will keep it away permanently.

But before its use, the candles should be bathed with the holy water. With this it is possible to detect the presence of the dark magic, both internal and external. In addition, will increase the power of the candles.

The salt will help to maintain stable our mental strength and avoid any disturbance during the ceremony. At the beginning of the meditation, the evil will fight with our thoughts to don’t get out; because of it we must be firm; the salt will help us achieve that.

The bay leaves will be the image of each place or person that we want to protect. For example, the house, work, family or couple. Each bay leave must be burned in a different candle.

The last thing you should know in reference to this ritual, is that has to be done in a night of full moon, because in this way we also obtain energy from nature. The attire of the person must provide loose and the feets should be in contact with the ground.

Who perform the rite should get into a circumference created by candles; these must be sprayed with water and contoured with salt. During the meditation, must be declared that no evil power will live in her being, nor in the places she wants to protect. In that time, bay leaves must be burned. This will end the ceremony.

The dark magic doesn’t rest, always looking for someone to take advantage. For this reason, the best is care ourselves in spiritually. This ritual int that the power of the mind is used, denies the access of beings that only generate damage.