You do not need to have a wart on the nose to bring out your magical powers, learn how to implement them. The secret of white magic is to be in harmony with nature and its cycles that is to say, exercise intuition that resonates in our heads.

The other step is to ask the right thing at the right time, being careful with what we say and want, because it can be met. Once you know exactly what you want, you can put your magic plans underway. Good witches always follow two rules. First, everything is permitted, as long as you are not hurting anyone (including yourself). The second, everything you do or want with magical intent is returned three times (remember to ask positive things).

Through some esoteric actions you will be practicing and getting used to the magic. For example, hugging a tree discharge negative energy and reconnect you with nature. This always hears everything we say. Keep a diary of dreams: when you write what you dream it connects you with the unconscious part and allows you to know better your wishes.

The basic ingredient of any spell is to make a request, it is assumed that you want to get something. You can make a written request, in a low, high or silent voice. You must be sure of what you want, and do not harm anyone, do not forget this!

Pay attention to the tools you need. Know what some magical appliances worked in the past, and how you can replace them. The broom was not to fly but to sweep away the bad vibes. You can use incense or tossing something to clean up the environment.

The wand was an extension of the power of the hand that was born from the heart. When you write your requests or spells, the pen has the same function. The cauldron was used to connect with the power of fire and mysteries. When cooking, it does the same. A common pot will serve perfectly.

The candles symbolize an intention that became reality. Choose the color as you like. Red for love, green for money and communication, rose for friendship and attraction, white for peace, blue for intelligence, and orange for happiness.

Another great potential that we all have, regardless of our differences, is the word, so be careful not to insult anyone much less yourself. Giving foreboding makes you easy prey to pessimism and negativity. You know better than anyone the talents you have and if not, you will discover them little by little. Emphasize on those activities that energize you and make you feel good, be it painting, dancing, talking, listening to others or meditate. Practicing them will increase your powers!