For more than 7,000 years, the jade stone has been a very meaningful to the countries both eastern and western, those who have viewed as a symbolic stone of exaltation at the royalty, beauty, power and authority.

Both the value was significant and representative for many civilizations from different social classes, which the stones of jade were included in the graves of the deceased belonging to the royalty, as a symbol of life, fertility, power and sovereignty. These possessed a greater value than any other precious stone or metal, especially in the belief and practice of the royalty “Maya”; to the aristocracy was associated with the green jade, which was the favorite and the most common. Also used as a protector against the disease.

However, in China, the green jade was and remains a sacred stone and very appreciated by the meaning that for the family this has; it promotes justice, courage, wisdom, respect, kindness, among others.

In China, is known as “imperial gem”, and was employed in the carving of different pieces belonging to the culture, in jewelry, in artistic expressions, and up to the religion; representing concepts associated with the soul, the protection, the immortality, health and the distinction of social classes. As well as for the Egyptian civilizations, in which it is still considered as a possible cure of diseases, prevention and release of any evil.

Currently, the green jade is considered a stone with multiple properties and benefits, apart from being employed and prominently on the various pieces of jewelry as an ideal and powerful addition to the aesthetic, fashion and beauty.

It is also known as a stone of balance and of great influence on the health, protection, life, discernment and tranquility; as an important factor that imparts confidence, security and wishes to the person that wears it.

That is why it is often used as a charm of protection and strength. Therefore, it is very common in variety of designs, collections and arts.

For this, the signatures of jewelry, such as “Bulgari”, and “Cartier”, decided to join in the demand of the green jade to implement it in their prestigious collections, thus forming an excellent way to bring a stylish accessory with multiple benefits.

Spectacular, right? We advise you that if you already have some piece or jewel that has this valuable and significant stone, it is important to keep in mind its care. It is convenient that the clean be with a mild soap and lukewarm water. In case of be carved and has openings, you can support with a brush, and avoid having contact with any chemical.

As you may realize, having a piece of green jade, involves a great value and significance, dragging a wonderful power of the past, but also of a present real. If you already have one, so enjoy it, and if not, then we invite you to do everything possible to acquire one. It would be ideal!



  1. Katja says:

    I wasn’t aware of the importance of Jade in the ancient world, apparently even nowadays. then I’ll wear it more often due its health and abundance benefits.

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