The alchemical zodiac is based on the combination of numerology and metals. In ancient times, they believed that metals stored energies, a theory that is still maintained, so they recommend using them to attract the positive energy that surrounds us or repel the negative energy around us.
To determine your sign in the alchemical zodiac, it is necessary to add all the numbers of your date of birth, and reduce it to a single figure, which will be associated with an element. For example, if a person was born on April 10, 1995, it would be: 1 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 5, which would result in 29, which when added, results in 11, then 1 + 1 results in number 2, which would be the alchemical number for that person. In case the final figure results in zero, this would be the person’s number.
The metals are numbered and are associated with the figure previously obtained, in this sense, silver corresponds to number 1, iron to number 2, mercury to number 3, zinc to number 4, tin to number 5, lead to number 6, platinum to number 7, nickel to number 8, gold to number 9 and copper to 0.
Each one of the metals gives the natives of the sign some specific characteristics. Those born under the influence of “silver” are seductive and independent people, who do not accept limitations and love freedom. If the person corresponds to the “iron”, his personality is combative, fearless and non-conformist. It is someone who will always say what he thinks.
“Mercury” corresponds to sociable people, who like to experience and enjoy life. They are persuasive and can become possessive. While those born under the influence of “zinc” are impulsive, fair and optimistic and somewhat authoritarian people. In addition they are usually hardworking and honest people as well as very responsible.
If your metal is “tin”, you tend to be a bit inconstant, and possibly irresponsible if something does not interest you. They are distracted people and do not finish what they start because of their lack of interest. On the other hand, those who are born under the influence of “lead”, are usually shy and sensitive people, who often cling to harmful situations or people.
While the people governed by “platinum”, are passionate people, who are born with luck and have a great talent to achieve what they set their mind to. On the other hand, if your metal is “nickel”, leadership will be one of your outstanding characteristics, and you will achieve all your goals. They are steady people and love to stand out in all aspects.
People who born under the influence of “gold” have a special charm, are passionate, interesting and faithful to the people they love. Finally those born under the influence of “copper” are affectionate, thoughtful, generous and supportive, although they may seem fragile and shy, they are a whirlwind of positive energy and have a very particular style.