It is said that in order to be successful in life, there are certain rules to follow; as for example, love what you do, be persevering, or make a plan of life and follow it to the letter. But, in spite of the foregoing, no rule is more effective than return to the universe what it has given you by your effort. “You get what you offers”, something that is very true in this simple phrase, which makes us reach full happiness as a person. But despite this, there are those who do not believe in this law of life, and are characterized by being competitive, achieving their goals regardless of the path that will lead them to that.
According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), the prosperity is defined as the “favorable course of things”, or as the “good luck in what is being undertaken, happens or occurs”. It could well be right in its first appreciation, since work well will bring closer even more to your goal, which is beneficial for you, as well as to indicate that you’re going on the right way. In regard to your other definition, there is a term that leaves more doubts than certainties, “luck”. Is the welfare something that you leave to the chance? Do you think that good things come by them-selves? Or are the result of your good deeds without expecting anything in change? These are just some of the questions that you should do before you begin this adventure to be prosperous in all the senses.
A study conducted on human relations for 10 years, determined that there are three prototypes of person in terms of their interaction. According to the American psychologist, Dr. Adam Grant, there are the buyers, who are based on a balance sheet, that is to say, they expect to receive, at some point, the favor that they did so “selfless”. There are also givers, which are kindly by nature; they offer without waiting to be rewarded. Finally, qualifies as takers to those individuals who are more to obtain, without offering much to change.
After the premise of the study, every person should self-evaluate to check in which stereotype fits. Although when you think about carefully, each person has a percentage of each prototype, which depends on the scope in which is developing. At work, perhaps we are buyers, basing our actions in the hope of obtaining, thanks to them, some favors that will bring us benefits, and in the long run, will allow us to continue to position ourselves above. In the family, perhaps we realize that we are givers par excellence; this could be due to the affectionate link that we have with a relative in particular. In the social thing, the more likely it is that we realize that we are takers, going through the life receiving a lot, but giving little.
And you, what kind of person you consider yourself?, a giver, taker or buyer?, at the end of the day, no matter what is, the important is take into account that, in each moment, the universe conspires in favor or against our goals, this depending on the energy that we use in pursuit of prosperity.
If you transmit good vibrates, you can be sure that you will be paid in the same way. Not thinking that if you’re doing you’re missing something that you will not recover. Be giver, be positive, and be prosperous!