Over the years, we have seen how the vision towards women have changed considerably as was perceived some decades ago, there is increasing participation of females in senior positions, companies and political organizations, highlighting in their professional achievements, and providing impetus and motivation to other women so they can be active in society. This new reality has allowed them to speak out towards equality, all part of the “girl power” female empowerment.
Female empowerment consist in women awareness to their important position into the society, and on this way they will able to acquire necessary resources to release of any oppression or gender inequality, getting train as people with full rights on an equal conditions.
Similarly, an empowered woman should be able to make changes and adjustments in her life, whether psychological, intellectual and emotional, that will give them the possibility to control their actions and the role they have in their environment; besides from being able to influence other women to speak out and enjoy the freedom to make decisions about what they want to do in any field, without allowing others to submit and force under any circumstances.
It is therefore, that important organizations have raised their flag in defense of gender equality and women empowerment in an effort to value and respect them, allowing equal conditions and opportunities for work. We must bring awareness about the importance in the world of work, according to their abilities and talents, and improve the quality of life of women, their families and the community.
On the other hand, we must be clear that it’s not about a power struggle against men, it has to do with gender equality, but especially with women are able to aware their capacity to generate changes, discarding the stigma on weakness and vulnerability that has been generated around them; women must stop being manipulated and dominated by others, to get started toward being the protagonists of their own lives.
To achieve this aim, it is important that the change is internal in every way: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional. It is necessary to build confidence and decision making, allowing to stand firm in their convictions and achieve the goals proposed.
Despite great efforts to gender equality and empowerment of women, even in many countries around the world women are in serious disadvantage; It is why we must continue to promote campaigns and social movements that allow women to know their rights and give them the urge to take control of their lives; in other words, they must be full of power to break the chains that oppress and subordinate.
That’s right we are able to accomplish great tasks regardless- or should I say- because of our gender.