Luxurious is the word you use to determine the characteristic of an object or thing, for example, that car is luxurious, and she wears a luxurious medal. An adjective that can sometimes sound extravagant, but it’s the only way you can describe something that may have similar but not the same characteristics. Is not the same to put gold, silver or handmade earrings.

Still are earrings but with different characteristics. That is why we must be careful when adjectives qualify a person, because you can wear a beautiful gold bracelet or a handmade bangle, and feel the same sense of luxury and exclusivity! Ultimately luxury ends up being only an appearance.

The bracelets are a piece of cloth or metal that wears around an arm or sleeve of a garment, to identify the wearer belong to a group or can play a specific role within the group; It can also be used as an accessory to a military uniform; and some use them to identify who wears it with an ideology or a social movement.

The bangle instead is an ornament shaped metal ring, many women and men look around their wrists or ankles, and is commonly called anklets; It is a supplement that has a wide variety of designs and is buy mostly by women.

In ancient times, the bracelet had similarity to the ring, finding some specimens in the mummies of ancient Egypt, and European prehistoric tombs of the Bronze Age. The earliest bracelets date back to the Neolithic, these being made of pieces of perforated seashells.

In our current era bracelets have come from all civilizations, starting with prehistoric ones having a spiral or circular shape; the Egyptians being elaborated in cylindrical shape with rhinestones embedded; unlike Phoenicians that made them in the shape of an open ring and ended in an animal heads.

For the modern and daring woman, there is the jewelry market, where you can find many designs and models of bracelets and bangles made of porcelain, brass wire, paper and pearls. A wide range is exhibited today in the market where you can find necklaces, rings and earrings that can be combined with a luxurious bracelet.

As creative input, the man with his ingenuity has created a variety of bangles and bracelets, embroidered with rhinestones and countless applications to look fancy in the wrist of any woman.

The creative art has always been good to women, creating for you the most luxurious bracelet with splendid beauty and has created the bangle that only you can wear in gold, silver, bronze, and with the most beautiful handcrafted designs.