The planets and stars because of its location on the day of our birth, influence every aspect of life. Because of this, we have specific characteristics that identify us with a certain sign of the zodiac; all these traits tend to define personality types, greatly affecting certain moments of life.
This is how astrology governs each of the aspects that are directly related to the human being, not only in love, luck and good fortune, but even on subjects like health: physical and mental ailments, or eating disorders. And in one of these cases, one can say that the stars interfere with metabolic cycles, changing every month, so it is possible to determine the type of food for each sign.
Well, let’s see how nutrition should be according to the zodiac; but first, we must have in mind that, like the elements that distinguish each sign: water, earth, fire and air; in food are also four groups. Proteins for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, fats for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, carbohydrates for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius; and water for Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Each food possesses different proportions, so you should know how to include them in your diet:
Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: Those born under these signs are lovers of fast food, so we must be careful not gain as much weight. They are prone to water retention; they need to reduce the high level of salt and consume diuretic fruit, plus low-fat meats, salads and steamed vegetables.
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn: tend to abuse desserts are high in sugar, as these are your temptation; also have a slower metabolic rate, so that the consumption of fish and foods rich in calcium, like many vegetables are recommended: eggplant, potatoes and carrots; and must not forget the fruits.
Gemini, Libra and Aquarius: They are more likely to eat because of lack of an organized diet. So take plenty of water and incorporate in your menu vegetables and fruits like mango and papaya, plus whole grain carbohydrates. Cucumber is a good diuretic, take it into account in your meals.
Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio: Since they are so emotional signs, you may be seduced by the food when they are nervous or sad and need blow off steam. To prevent certain situations affect your health, in your daily diet include red and white meat to satisfy the body; besides taking lots of water to keep it hydrated.
It is definitely not wrong to take into consideration the recommendations of the stars when have to do with food. Certainly, each sign has its own characteristics, even so, a balanced diet is essential no matter the sign that governs the person. Food is the fuel of the human being, and these suggestions are only part of a well executed nutritional plan.