There are foods that help raise defences and therefore strengthen the immune system; that it is fundamental for the prevention of diseases and to help the organism to face and overcome those that have already manifested; for this reason it is of utmost importance to consume foods rich in vitamins and minerals, and macronutrients that play an essential role for the functioning of all the systems of the human body.
On the other hand; not only is it enough to consume food to raise your defences, but you must acquire eating habits that promote the decrease of sugar, and of processed or industrialized products that have dyes and preservatives. In this sense, we are going to present you with a list of foods that help raise your defences:
Foods rich in vitamins B and E: B vitamins are great allies of the human body, strengthening the nervous system; to avoid some conditions related to depression, anxiety, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc. In addition, its consumption improves mood, so you should consume foods such as fruits, fish, legumes, whole or whole grains and brewer’s yeast, among others.
For its part, vitamin E improves and increases the body’s response to infections, it is a powerful antioxidant to raise defences; And it can be found in leafy green foods like spinach and broccoli, as well as nuts, whole grains, wheat germ, and soy, olive, and sunflower oils.
Citrus: This food group is made up of orange, tangerine, lemon, lime and grapefruit, rich in vitamin C; It helps strengthen the immune system, preventing colds and flu.
Honey: It is one of the purest foods in nature, and since ancient times it has been used to cure coughs and throat irritations, thanks to the fact that it has substances that provide bactericidal and antiseptic properties. This delicious natural product helps balance the nervous system and raise defenses.
Chicken broth: Another food that helps raise defenses is chicken broth, which has the property of reducing nasal congestion and overcoming colds. It should be consumed hot, because it raises body temperature and makes it possible for secretions to loosen.
Yogurt: Both yogurt and fermented milks have probiotic value, fulfilling a function in the intestine, which helps raise defenses, in order to prevent and overcome colds or colds, due to the fact that they have Lactobacillus reuteri, a bacteria that blocks the multiplication of virus in the body.
Onion and garlic: Both onion and garlic are foods that help raise defenses; protecting us against infections. Onion is effective against respiratory infections, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and lung infections; while garlic has antiviral and antibacterial properties.
Lentils: The delicious lentils are a natural alternative to raise the defenses, since they have a high content of minerals such as zinc, magnesium and potassium, as well as carbohydrates and vitamin B, helping to produce white blood cells, which are pieces essential to fight bacteria.
But not only these foods serve to raise defenses, since there are a series of nutrients rich in omega-3, selenium, zinc, probiotics, vitamins A, C and E are the most suitable to strengthen the immune system, because they favor producing the body’s defense cells more efficiently. Some of these foods are:
Vitamin A: carrots, beets, broccoli, Swiss chard, lettuce, spinach, sweet potatoes, mango, melon, red bell pepper, egg, among others.
Vitamin C: orange, tangerine, lemon, kiwi, strawberry, pineapple, papaya, watermelon, melon, mango, tomato, broccoli, and peeled potatoes.
Vitamin E: sunflower seeds and oil, olive oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, mango, papaya and tomato paste.
On the other hand, foods such as sardines, tuna , salmon, herring, tuna, flaxseed, chia seeds and the rich nuts are rich in Omega-3; while Brazil nut, bread, chicken, rice, sunflower seeds, egg yolk, cheese, cabbage and wheat flour, provide selenium, which is very important to strengthen the immune system.
Beef, chicken, turkey and fish provide the necessary zinc to reinforce the defenses, along with oysters , shrimp, wheat germ, liver, nuts (peanuts, almonds and walnuts) and whole grains. But, there are also alternatives such as nutritional supplements that come in capsules, which are purchased at pharmacies or natural products businesses. These indicators include:
Propolis extract: This fabulous natural product derived from honey, has immunomodulatory effects, so it stimulates the cells of the immune system, being used to attack acute and chronic inflammations, to counteract cases of skin ulcers, respiratory tract diseases, periodontitis and sinusitis. It can be used in capsules or drops.
Bovine colostrum: It is rich in enzymes, antibodies and growth factors that strengthen the body’s defense system; and it should be consumed in a standard dose that varies between 20 to 60 grams per day.
Astragalus membrane or astragalus seeds: It is rich in flavonoids that support the immune system and act as cardiovascular protectors. A dosage ranging from 5 mg to 10 mg per day is generally recommended.
Echinacea: Acts as a booster of the immune system to help overcome diseases and speed up the recovery process.The recommended dose in capsules usually varies between 900 to 1500 mg per day, while in tinctures 2.5 ml is recommended three times a day or up to 10 ml daily.