Will you become in first-time mother? It seems that the happiest day of your life has arrived, your unborn baby and you‘re wondering, how fast the time has passed? Soon, you’ll feel that tiny heart beating with the sound of her voice, whispering: welcome to the world! It all sounds very beautiful, but then comes the real “postpartum psychosis”, what am I supposed to do? And suddenly, you’ll wish your baby comes with instruction manual. Do not let fear take over the most beautiful moment of her life. Today we will give you the best tips for training you as the best first-time mother.
After giving birth, it’s time to start working or better, hands to the baby! We do not expect you become in the best super mom of the year, but with practice you will see that everything will be easier. We summarize these tips on four fundamental aspects that are breastfeeding, how to bathe the baby, how to change diapers and what to do at the bed time.
It is essential to know that there is nothing better than breast milk for the welfare of your child. For this reason, it is necessary to take care of everything you eat or drink because they are able to be absorbed through the milk by the baby. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. During the time of feeding, your nipples may tend to crack, you must cover them with a special lotion prescribed for these cases, it is also necessary to maintain visual contact with the baby, as good news, if you breastfeed, you will easily recover your weight.
It’s recommended the first days of life, don’t bath the babe, you must wait until the umbilical cord falls off. Sponge baths are good until that moment.
Another option may be clean her son using wipes. You must have an extreme hygiene with the umbilical cord, cleansing it with cotton and alcohol regularly, without exposing delicate baby’s skin. Bathrooms should be preferably at night, always at the same time, with warm water to help him sleep better, you should dry the ears well after bathing to prevent ear infections.
For our third aspect, changing diapers, it is necessary that this be done at least 10 times a day, then wash him with warm water and dry. To avoid irritation, you can leave him without a diaper for a while. Finally, how to sleep him will avoid many problems. Always lay him on his stomach and even more after having fed; avoiding he can be very sheltered. When you sleep in the day, you need not avoid the noise, you should be allowed him becoming with normal noises, and otherwise you cannot sleep at upcoming opportunities. The first six months of life, baby can sleep with parents and when your baby sleeps, you should take the opportunity to rest.
This is such an amazing experience that we should take full advantage of it, even though there is so much to do it is truly worthy.