Maintaining a good mood every day is something we all want, however, there are very few things that give us joy and make us have a good mood for the rest of the day. Certain situations or a simple memory can go to ruin our mood. Everything in this life is temporary and will always depend on the eye with which you look at it.

Citrine represents joy, good humor and the will to live. It has the ability to fills us with that happy energy we wish we could always possess. Also, it nourishes the spirit, raises our self-esteem and makes us feel more confident. This stone removes all self-defeating thoughts, which can ruin the joy we feel. Use it if you are going through difficult moments in your life or if you suffer depression.

This amulet attracts wealth and prosperity, joy, good luck and success; and evenencourages thoughts of generosity, promoting good relations between you and other people.

Like to spendthrift on unnecessary things? This gem can help you improve this. Are you extremely negative and afraid to take on responsibilities?Citrine will help you remove those thoughts and carelessly take on any challenge.


This gem will allow you to open up to changes, and thanks to it, everything that will present itself will be positive. Free yourself of past grudges and learn to forgive. Citrine also allows you to ignore negative critics andaccept constructive one´s. Improve everything you know can be better; clean and fill your inner being and environment with positive energy. Feel full of optimism and clarity, also,it does wonders if you constantly feel tired, citrine can and will give you the instant energy refill you need.

cleans kidneys, intestines, stomach and liver. If you have any menstrual disorder, citrine will cure it and care for you female reproductive system. Also, it stimulates memory and can cure dementia. It is used to purify our body, being excellent for removing toxins and cellulite.

It Because citrine does not absorb negative energies and transmutes them, taking them back to earth, it does not need to be cleaned. Do not expose it for long periods of time on sun or heat, this can change its properties. It is also important to notice that citrine can align solarchakras located on the plexusand the navel area.

Take it with you as a necklace or ring,just keep in mind that it must always be in contact your skin, so its properties can work better. Want to heal specific area?Simply, place it over the affected area feel how it heals. Have a business and want to attract money and abundance? Justhave it near your money. Citrine is a very protective gem and establishes close relations with its owner.Protects your emotions, take this precious crystal with you in difficult and harsh environments and it will protect you from everything.