There are fabulous exercises to reaffirm the breasts, which you probably do not know, so we invite you to keep reading these lines so that you have very effective beauty resources at hand which will minimize the effects of certain situations that cause the bust to loosen, such as the loss of weight, especially when it is very drastic, the bad postures of the body, pregnancies, the subsequent breastfeeding, and especially the passage of time.

Ejercicio Mujer

But do not panic, you can make these effects less, and everything consists of a simple solution which only requires a little effort and a lot of perseverance. It is about performing physical exercises in a constant and organized way, which begin with an aerobic stretching or warming up of approximately 10 minutes, to then do the exercise sessions that we will recommend below:

Exercise No. 1: This exercise to reaffirm the breasts is called the “bench press”, and to do it you must have a flat bench or a large exercise ball where you must lie down, always keeping your back against the backrest, your feet flat on the floor, while the abdominal muscles must be as tight as possible.

Ejercicio mujer press de banca pesas gimnasio

Weights of about 500 to 1000 grams should be held in each hand, near the shoulders and in front of the chest, keeping the elbows in a position that forms an angle of 90 degrees to the sides, to then push the arms up, without elbows being fully stretched. Hold the position for 10 seconds and then lower your arms slowly so that they are in the initial position. Perform two sets of ten repetitions each, which you can increase to three or four sets of 15 repetitions each, depending on your physical condition.

Exercise No. 2: The second exercise to reaffirm the breasts is called “chest opening”, for which you just have to stay on the bench of the first exercise taking a weight in each hand, but instead of raising your arms as in exercise number 1, keep your palms facing each other, as if you were going to hug a tree, with the elbows bent slightly for 10 seconds. Do two repetitions at the beginning, then you can increase the series according to your physical condition.

Exercise No. 3: The famous push-ups are very effective exercises to reaffirm the breasts; and you just have to lie on the floor, place your arms perpendicular to the floor, in four legs. Put your hands vertically on the floor, above the shoulders, until they are separated horizontally making them coincide, leaning on the knees if you want a lower level of difficulty. This will depend on you, but if you want to increase the level of difficulty, then you must rest on the tip of your feet when stretching the legs back, being careful to keep your back straight since this is the key in the effectiveness of this exercise.

Ejercicio mujer lagartijas Push-ups

Exercise No. 4: This exercise is called “camel” position”, which for those who practice yoga is the “Ushtasana” position, where you have to stand on your knees, keeping your feet almost together and your legs resting backwards in order to perform an “inverted torsion”. The backward tilt is gradually done until an arch with the back is achieved while the abdomen is placed forward tilting the head and the shoulders to grab the heels with your hands, holding the position between 10 to 20 seconds. You should do about 5 sets of 10 repetitions each, and so you will reaffirm the breasts.

Exercise No. 5: This exercise is called “cobra position”, and is done by supporting the stomach on a mat while keeping your feet and legs well stretched on the floor as well as the palms of the hands in order to raise the trunk little by little as much as possible, trying in turn to make strength with the abdomen and not with the arms to achieve the full goal and reaffirm the breasts effectively. This position should be maintained for about 20 seconds and 5 sets of 5 repetitions each are made.

Mujer ejercicio postura cobra yoga

On the other hand, you should know that this exercise relieves the pain caused by menstruation, and it is one of the best known discipline and important yoga positions because it strengthens the muscles of the back, bust, arms and abdomen, and tones up the ovaries and the uterus.

Exercise No. 6: This exercise is called “bridge position”; and it is one of the most common in yoga practice. To do this, place yourself with your legs bent and your back to the ceiling or sky, separating your feet and resting the palm of the hands at the same height in front of the head. Then to form a bridge, separate the butt from the ground, holding the position for about 20 seconds. 5 sets of 5 repetitions each are made.

Mujer ejercicio postura puente yoga

Exercise No. 7: This position called “Dwikonasana” is done by placing the linked hands behind the back, keeping the legs straight in order to flex the waist, lowering the trunk little by little through the stretching of the arms, which should be taken forward as much as possible so that the breasts can be reaffirmed effectively.

Mujeres ejercicio postura Dwikonasana yoga grupo

Finally, it should be borne in mind that for the performance of these exercises, appropriate bras should be worn, since 70% of women wear the wrong bra, especially when jogging, as a study done at the University of Portsmouth, United States, showed, saying that the breasts move an average of 10 centimetres in three directions when jogging, which can cause pain, as well as favor the loss of firmness of the bust; so it is recommended wearing a sports bra.