Nature is so immense, that will never cease to amaze. There are plenty of animals with unimaginable features and an astonishing physical attributes. You will be amazed to discover the great variety of these animals that you don’t known yet, and the places where they are.

One is the Bearded Vulture, better known as “bone breaker” nickname he earned for his peculiar way of hunting. This bird flies over his prey and wait until the right moment to take it with their large claws, and fly over the whole area, dropping it at the right time to break every bone. This bird is a native of Spain, and is in danger of extinction.

The “Chrysopelea” or flying serpent. This is an amazing diurnal snake, the venom is not lethal to humans. This snake doesn’t fly, as its name suggests, it’s able to jump and glide over 100 meters, a respectable distance when considering its condition reptile. It feeds on birds, small reptiles, frogs and bats; lives in Southeast Asia, India and in the Melanesian Islands.

The “Blobfish”. Most of the body of this strange fish is composed of a gelatinous mass, since it is anatomically designed to withstand high pressures. Rarely, this fish is photographed in their natural habitat due to the impenetrability of the area. Its body has a lower density than water, allowing it to swim in the sea without wasting energy. This rare fish inhabits the coasts of Australia and Tasmania.

Japanese spider crab. This crab is characterized by its triangular shell and long legs; it’s capable of weighing 20 kilos and measuring four meters; moreover, is believe that can live to hundred years. To protect himself, have the habit of collecting remains of other animals and attach them to the body. Because is blind, depends on its waves sensitive hairs and their great ear for survival.

The Surinam toad. This is a great species of amphibian aquatic. It’s distinguished by its gray-green color, and has a flat body, including the head. It can measure between 5 and 20 cm. Generally live in tropical and swampy regions of South America and on the island of Trinidad, and likes the murky, muddy waters.

“Lactoria cornuta” or longhorn cowfish. It’s an omnivorous fish that inhabit coral reefs and feeds on algae or any other microorganism such as corals, mollusks and sometimes even small fish. Measuring about ten centimeters long, but can grow up to fifty. His name is because this fish has long horns protruding from his forehead.

The rarity of each, leaving a person more surprised and it’s amazing how animals can be so strange and we don’t know them yet.

Would you like to know any of these?



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