Have you ever felt a sharp pain in the heel after performing some physical activity? Or when you wake up in the morning feeling a painful discomfort in the sole? It may be that you are suffering from spur. While the name may sound a little weird, it is a very common condition; the causes of their appearance are varied, but what characterizes this disease is the discomfort and pain, which in some cases make the simple act of walking is a very painful task.

Its full name is plantar heel spur, and is only a very small bony bump that develops close to the heel bone. Because calcium is deposited in that area; Ram, may be due to pressure overload and leg muscles for a long time, the use of inappropriate footwear or fat loss in the heel area, resulting in some cases, severe pain when walking, running or being standing; but sometimes can be painless, this is rare, and the most common is it very painful.

Also, in addition to the pain and discomfort walking, heel spurs bring plantar fasciitis, which is inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is just the tissue found in the foot, head of the arc thereof; this is what generates the pain, especially when we get up and get started.

Well, despite being a condition that has no “magic cures” we can do some exercises or remedies for alleviating the painful symptoms Ram. Note that there is surgery, which is rarely mentioned, because it is best to treat various forms before entering the operating room. Now let’s see how we can treat heel spurs and plantar fasciitis associated with it:

  • Use heel pads that support or heel; you can also use soft arch supports foot, and relieve discomfort in that area.
  • Do exercises that help reduce inflammation of the tendons of the foot; Physical therapy is indicated when other methods have not yielded the expected results; therefore, you can do exercises at home that are very useful, like rubbing a rubber ball from the heel to the toes, running several iterations; also, it’s good to stretch your feet to decrease inflation.
  • Apply cold compresses, which help a lot to ease the pain; It is recommended to fill a plastic bottle with water and freeze it, and then place it on the floor and treading lightly, rubbing the foot from the heel to the toes; repeating this several times feel much relief.

Thus, if you are suffering from spurs or think this may be the cause of her discomfort in the foot, see a doctor, and try these tips, so you can enjoy every step.



  1. Sophie says:

    We also should remember that spurs are not only an aging issue. Many young people are suffering from this feet discomfort and it is recommended to visit a specialist to relieve the pain.

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