In women’s closets, bags and handbags are always a necessary accessory, and women carefully choose them to match their clothes. They come in different materials, colors and designs, according to the fad of the moment, and customs of the region.
There are envelop-style handbags, with a chain to hang on your shoulder, and they can be used at any time of the day or night. There are bags with handles made of the same material, which are stronger and allow you to keep everything you need inside of them. If you are a student, then a useful backpack would be the perfect alternative to cover your needs at this stage in life. Sports girls like to wear hip bags where they only carry their IDs, cell phones and water.
Remember that the bag you choose to wear must be convenient for you and attractive at the same time. It should match your style and clothes in a delicate way. This will give you an optimistic look. There are many designs available, and you can choose the one that best suits your personality, style, preference and comfort.
Personal stylist Rodolfo Zuloaga says that there are 4 types of bag every woman should have in their closet for different occasions: a long-handled purse, for your daily activities, meetings or shopping; medium-sized bags with trendy details and short handles that are stylish and can be taken to work, so you will look refined; clutches for elegant events, which can be adorned with metal or sequins; and backpacks to be used on informal and relaxing days.
French sociologist Jean Claude Kaufmann has made studies about women, purses and their contents; he says that “a purse helps women face life’s situations and becomes the protector of our most intimate memories”.
He mentions four types of bags: market bags, which are always disorganized, and women who have this type of bag are usually bohemian and free. Inside of it, there are usually lipsticks, makeup, cell phones, bills and coins, among other things. These things are always disorganized in the bag. Designer handbags, which define a woman who has many bags, one for every occasion. Generally, women who have this type of bag are organized and logic in their ideas. They usually change the items they carry inside the bag and remove from the bag what is not necessary.
He also mentions the accomplice purse, a purse for discrete women. When you open it, you will find items that will meet their needs and concerns. These women take with them what will keep them calm. There is also the relational bag, and it’s usually heavy because of the amount of objects it has inside. Women who use this type of bag are usually generous and attentive to the needs of their family and friends.
Bags are always a must in my outfit. My favorite type of bag are backpacks because they are comfortable to carry and are big enough to store lots stuff! Jean Claude Kaufmann did a nice categorization of bags, very interesting!