While traveling means packing bags, buying a ticket and enjoying for many, there are also some essential skills that every traveller should have, especially if they are adventurous travellers, as they will always be looking for something new to do and may find themselves in all kinds of situations that they should be able to get away with.

Of course, if you don’t have any of these skills, it doesn’t mean that you cannot be a successful traveller or that you shouldn’t travel, but surely they will significantly improve the experience of traveling around the world, especially if you decide to travel alone.

If you are new to the world of travel and you may have wondered what those essential skills that you should have to become a professional traveller are, you have come to the right place, as we have compiled a list of skills that will put you in the category of a true traveller.

Essential skills every traveller should have
Image by Lorri Lang from Pixabay 

1. Swimming

This is one of the essential skills that will be of great help if you plan to visit beach destinations, otherwise you will be limiting your experience only to sunbathing or submerging in water to a point that you do not represent danger or that you should not fear for your life. However, although you can wear a vest, there are some water activities, such as snorkelling, diving, rowing or kayaking, that you will not be able to practice because you will constantly be afraid of drowning.

2. Riding a scooter, motorcycle or bicycle

In various parts of the world, these are the most common forms of transportation. But they are also the best option to see the city and visit some tourist attractions that are not accessible on foot or by using public transport. So if you don’t have this skill, you may have no choice but to rent a car or hire a driver, which could definitely cost you more than necessary, especially if you are traveling alone.

3. Dealing with conversions

One thing every traveller must deal with when traveling abroad is conversions. First of all, there are foreign currencies that you will have to become familiar with; this will allow you to find places that offer the most bang for your buck, but also end up overspending.

Second, there are the units of measurements with which they operate in the destination country, which can be kilometres and litres and degrees Celsius or miles and gallons and Fahrenheit, which will be useful to know if, for example, you want to respect the speed limits, dress appropriately for a certain day, or order a drink in a restaurant. Third, there is the time difference, as the departure and arrival times can follow different time zones, so ignoring it could cause you to miss your flight.

4. Basic survival skills

Especially if you are hiking for several days, you will need to know how to pitch a tent, how to light a fire, how to fetch water and food, or how to orient yourself by using either a compass or a map, plus how to use a first aid kit and life-saving techniques like CPR and Heimlich.

The latter are essential skills that not only must be learned by paramedics, since accidents can happen at any time and we must be prepared. So it is advisable to take a workshop where you can learn them.

5. Haggling

In many parts of the world, haggling is considered the norm. While the practice can be uncomfortable, knowing the best way to negotiate a price or service in your favour will be one of the essential skills you will want to have, especially if you are traveling on a budget, since it is something that not only applies to the products we buy in the markets, but also when it comes to accommodation, tourist packages or even taxi trips.

So keep in mind that the first price someone quotes you will never be the best to pay. But this is an art that is only perfected with practice, so try to negotiate at any opportunity you can.

6. How to use needle and thread

Although this is one of the essential skills that many associate with home, it is equally useful while traveling abroad since we do not know when we might need to repair our clothes or even luggage. So learning the basics of sewing can pull us through.

7. Reading maps

Many of us might think that this is an outdated skill to learn, considering that today we have smartphones with GPS. However, it is possible that we find ourselves in a situation where we are lost and there is no GPS coverage, the battery of the phone is drained, or you simply do not have a phone. Therefore, having a printed map and knowing how to read it will be your best way to orient yourself and reach your destination.

8. Packing light

Packing light is one of the essential skills that every traveller must learn since we have limited space in our suitcases or backpacks, so we will have to avoid excesses and pack only those things that we will need for the trip. This will not only help you avoid overpaying, but also the hassle of carrying that extra luggage, so you can enjoy your trip to the fullest.

To do this, we must develop a checklist where we consider essential and versatile items. For example, cell phone, chargers, wallet, and medications, without neglecting, of course, practical clothing and shoes that work with the weather. Don’t forget that what we need will depend on the destination, so think wisely when packing.

Read also Packing light: top tips to get it done

9. Talking to Strangers

Although many people find it difficult to talk to strangers, this is one of the essential skills we need to travel, but it is not difficult. You can start by talking to the shop owners or hotel staff, for example, by making a comment or a light joke instead of directly delving into asking questions. This can be a great way to meet people and even make some friends in the process.

But that’s not all. Strangers can also help you locate the best restaurants, local shops and attractions off the radar, and if you’re lost, you may be able to find someone who can point you in the right direction. The best thing about this skill is that the more we practice, the easier and more natural it will become.

10. Driving cars with gear stick

You may only drive automatic cars in your country, but this may not be the case in other countries. So definitely if you have the chance, you won’t want to miss out on getting rich on beautiful road trips just because you don’t know how to drive with a gear stick.

11. Learning the local language

Most people who work in the service industry can speak at least some English. But it is possible that if you travel without a tour guide, at some point you will find someone who only speaks the local language and finds it difficult to communicate. So learning a few basic words like “hello”, “thank you”, “yes”, “no”, or “what’s your name” can help you connect with the locals and avoid going a long way.

And do you know of other essential skills that travellers should have? If so, let us know in the comment section.