Thursday, December 17th, 2015. We invite you to know the dilemma of the text messages, it doesn’t matter if you use an application or traditional mailing; perhaps you have been the victim of an argument with your partner, family member or friend, about the “tone” of the messages because of a point or misused comma or for ignoring the communication universe that contains this communication mechanism with millions of followers.

According to a study by the Department of Psychology at the University of Binghamton, punctuation used as the period at the end of the text, is perceived by the receiver, at least in this communication culture as a way of diminishing honesty to your message.

The study was applied to 126 students, who expressed their opinion and described their appreciation to a group of different text messages that were delivered. These messages were perceived differently by the participants of the study, but in summary they were able to establish the following conclusions: messages that end with one point were rated as insincere; those ending with exclamation points were perceived as more friendly and received more pleased.


Moreover, capital letters transmit a lack of respect in the conversations by text messages; because the recipient receives it as if you were talking loudly. Completing a phrase in a text message with a simple “yes” as opposed to a “yeeeesss” definitely marks a difference quickly understood by the person receiving the message.

The teachers who applied the study, explained that this has nothing to do with the official spelling rules and recognized by the Royal Spanish Academy and even with those learned only in the early grades; because text messaging has established independent rules that may eventually be regulated by any entity or agency.

Nor is it related to the rules of good speakers or good listener of the traditional communication processes in which speech and listen determine the effectiveness of the message. But certainly, how many times have we read a “why are you talking like that?” in response to a previous message.


In resume if you want to demonstrate your good manners and customs in text messaging, we can give the following recommendations: Avoid answering in monosyllables and equally the threshing and unfriendly “ok” delete it from your vocabulary.

You can adapt your writing to the culture of text messaging, but without making spelling errors. Avoid abbreviations like “W” with “What”, “Cuz” with “Because”, among other nefarious examples. Watch your language. Enter the full words and put joy on your conversations with “emoticons”, that were created and there is a variety that exemplifies different states and activities. But if you want to send a kiss, “muack” or “kiss” everyone understands.