When a living being defends his physical integrity against an imminent danger, does it by an instinct of conservation in short-term. This was demonstrated by two eagles which defended their space or territory and their life under the same instinct of protection and survival, without which they would inevitably die. The behavior of the animals, in any evolutionary level, and in any of the functionality is attached to the concept of space.

The event happened in Austria near the central Alps and was shared in social networks by Patrick Pircher, who made an amateur video of two eagles which knock down a drone, making its pilot to lost control and crashed into the ground.

The video shows how to eagles and other birds of prey they don’t like that these devices invade their habitat. Pircher does not reveal many details of the video, which was uploaded to social networks on 7 November 2015. In this it is noted that two eagles knock down a drone when it was taking panoramic shots in heaven.

The video was very well received by the users of social networks, because it was viewed over half a million times in just two days.

According to the Spanish Royal Academy, the term drone is designated to various types of unmanned aerial vehicles, devices basically for military use and looks like a plane, are used in a number of civilian applications, such as fire-fighting or civil security and the monitoring of pipelines. Unmanned aerial vehicles are often preferred for missions that are too boring, dirty or dangerous for the manned aircraft.

The air device was flying over the area, when it was a victim of the attack and abduction of two eagles that were felt threatened. After their attack, made it to crash to the ground. These two eagles, not only attacked a Phantom 3 drone, but, they took it to the ground and tried to eat it, fortunately for the owner, was rescued the artifact without much damage. Definitely, drones are in risk with the big eagles. The video let us see that after the fall, the eagles guard the device in every moment since this stayed stranded in the ground.

This is not the first time that a drone is knocked down by an eagle. Another incident of this type was recorded by Christopher Schmidt of Cambridge Massachusetts, on 8 October 2014. The birds are not the only ones to show adverse to these technological gadgets, says the pilot of a drone in the zoo of Burger (Netherlands) on 10 April, when a chimpanzee downed one using a stick.

All the animals defend their living space. Eagles are fierce-looking, due to their curved beak and sharp claws. They are famous for their high-flying and being excellent hunters. They mark their territory with reckless air demonstrations and with strong and pitched squawks. When other birds enter in their domains, the challenge or attack them, as they demonstrated with this drone.


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