Dusseldorf is a city in Germany and the capital of North Rhine-Westphalia. It is considered the country’s most cosmopolitan city and one of the most important. In it, there are a variety of sites and appropriate places to turn a simple walk in a fascinating experience, where good taste goes hand in hand with entertainment which together form the best way of fun.

With streets full of shops, fashion and luxury, this city is the dream of every woman; also with an adventurous and dynamic environment, arouse curiosity about even the smallest corner.

Here are a number of places in Dusseldorf to be considered and written down when you decided to visit this wonderful place, so as to avoid missing any details.

As it was already said the “streets full of shops” are real, that’s right. It has a long and broad shopping avenue, called “Königsalle” which is characterized by many fashionable shops of the most distinguished and appreciated of the different avant-garde designers and brands with fame worldwide; moreover, on that street, you can also find cozy restaurants with terraces which could be accompanied by a typical beer named “The Altbier” that will be an excellent complement of pleasure and relaxation.

The Altbier” is a very popular beer in this city, it comes directly from Düsseldorf and the region of “Niederrhein” and its meaning in English is “old beer” that makes exact reference to its old process of preparation. It is a dark top-fermented beer, which is also present in the diverse bars and nightclubs around this cosmopolitan city.

Similarly, you can delight your palate with the finest variety of international cuisine, where you can enjoy any kind of food; although you should try the typical dish of the city, called the “Düsseldorfer Senfrostbraten” which is a delicious roast on the grill.

However, if you are interested to know the culture of this city, then you can go to the “ Museum Kunst Palast “, which is an art museum featuring the most prized art collections of Rhine, from classical antiquity to the present.

You can also get to know the “MedienHafen“, an area with many modern and very commercial buildings, where the most famous and finest fashion designer’s firms, media, among others take place; in turn, it is known as “Hafen” meaning “port” in German, by its former use to load and unload goods.

As well as there are many more welcoming and attractive places to stroll. We assure you with complete security and confidence that once you are in this great city, one visit won’t be enough. So, it is necessary to make the most of it, because every minute spent in pleasure and comfort will make you enjoy a wonderful time in life.





  1. Frigga Odinson says:

    Hallo! great article, my family comes from Dusseldorf, so I must one day visit it and see my roots with my own eyes….

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