The stress generated by leading a busy life, the impossibility to sleep and eat well, bad mood, wrathful and pessimistic people, goes overloading people of negative energies that impede personal growth and cause a stagnation of the emotions.

The atacamite is a mineral, valued for its attribute to repel those bad energies bringing positive energy that allow you to achieve a balance in the energetic centers of the person, achieving thus revitalize the physical and spiritual body, create awareness of the emotions and release any blockage of energy that you have.

This is a very rare mineral formed starting from other minerals, specifically is copper hydroxide chloride, which has colors such as green and yellow. Their prismatic crystals are found in great mines with other types of copper, being one of the major the found in Chile, region of Atacama, where was found for the first time and whereby it receives its name; also there are extensive deposits in the United States, Mexico, Italy, Spain and Australia.

Well, by referring to the atacamite it is important to highlight its wonderful qualities, in spite of being a stone not well known, especially its healing properties are exceptional, is widely used in session of spiritual healing by its powers in the world of higher entities.

That is how the stone, is used to achieve high levels of meditation, allowing to establish a great spiritual connection and the visualizing of superior beings that serve as a guide at this level, it also helps to perform extracorporeal travels in search of the healing of body and spirit.

Similarly it is important to emphasize the power of this stone to ward off negativity and attract the positive, being a generator of positive energy capable of projecting it and load energetically to others, it also used to undo blockages which prevent the genuine development of being and the inability to relate in the life.

On the other hand, their emotional healing properties are no less important, due to the fact that this stone is very effective to get the self-confidence, projecting personal security and thus increasing possibilities for finding love and fortify family relations and friendship; it also helps to appease the states of anger and stress helping to achieve tranquility and inner peace.

At the level of the physical body, the atacamite is very useful to relieve ailments in the nervous system by its relaxing color, also to be linked with the chakra of the throat, is effective to calm ailments in this area, as well as in the thyroid, just as its connection with the first chakra or of the root, is favorable to heal physical maladies in genitals and remove venereal diseases.

In this way, atacamite becomes in a perfect ally when you want to attract the good and drive away that doesn’t help. By removing the negative of life you can make progress toward a state of calm and serenity that is favorable in all aspects of being.