It is so amazing how in Dominican Republic mystical beliefs as myths, legends and taboos; which are so deeply rooted in a very significant and representative manner as part of its history, culture and religion.

This nation is characterized by considerably believe in every supernatural event happens, so much so that their most intimate experiences have been developed throughout the Dominican territory, where is normal and common for a person to share some spiritual event. Below you find the meanings of some of their most representative beliefs.

Zombies: These are bodies that have been and by a process of rituals and witchcraft with the intention of being raised and taken to farms or fields to work them and be slaves of master. They are maintained by strict salt-free diet.

Galipots: under the influence and power of sorcery, these people have the ability to turn into animals, so that can escape in the best way of any damage or situation by being stronger.

Baká: It refers directly to a pact with the devil, where the person involved should to give to the devil a loved one in order to receive riches, money, success and progress. Failure to comply with the agreement, that person is cursed in many ways.

Drones: These are people who through witchcraft become animals, in order to go out at night to disturb and get personal interests that during the day or any time of their life they could not get.

Witches: they have been observed in full flight, resting on the banana trees. They travel so far and alone. They hate children and are interested in disturbing them.

However, there are more beliefs that exist and arise in the typical Dominican homes, which remain present because are inappropriate acts among them. Pay attention to them, they believe that a woman during menstruation cannot cut or squeeze lemons, or paint her nails. In the case of being pregnant and having many cravings is mandatory to please her so that the baby is not born with too much desire to eat.

Surprising right? Undoubtedly, each of these mysterious beliefs makes this country unique and distinctive; arousing curiosity and daring to get to know it. Do you have the courage to witness some of these experiences?




  1. Cindy says:

    there are so many mysteries in the Dominican republic but they are also fascinating and completely unique as describe by the article.

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