A sentimental partners, either by discomfort or embarrassment owe to sexual disabilities; in consequence, the desire is reduced, and therefore, the frequency of sexual intercourse decreases. This should be avoided! Instead, age should be an encouragement for often intimacy, due to the many benefits this act provides, including a close relationship with your partner and a pleasurable sex life.

Through time, hormonal changes are recognizable in both, women and men. In the case of women, when the menopause is reach, their hormones (estrogen) decrease, causing dryness and narrowing the canal of the vaginal, a condition that will cause some discomfort during intercourse. Likewise, the female body will undergo certain physical changes, which, in many cases, affect their self-esteem. For instance, some women may take longer to get aroused; nonetheless, these changes could be adequately compensated.

A similar situation happens to men when their hormones (testosterone) begin to drop, subsequently, it will be more difficult to achieve an erection, and once achieved, it will be very hard to maintain. In contrast, diseases can be part of the picture; diabetes, obesity, arthritis or high blood pressure, may challenge intimacy.

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Do not get desperate since we will provide some recommendations to stimulate a healthy sex life. Many adults refuse to accept that they are suffering from a sexual disability, either out of fear or shame, but it is extremely necessary to be completely honest with your doctor when describing the symptoms, so as to improve your sexual life.

In this sense, communication should never be lost; talking with your partner is essential; by expressing your concerns and expectations with respect to the sexual encounter you wish to achieve, you are establishing the parameters to try new routines and let your imagination run wild. Strategies like trying new positions to increase curiosity and adrenaline; taking time to indulge, kissing, touching and feeling loved about each other to increase the excitation process, letting your imagination run wild.

Age should not be an obstacle to having an enjoyable sex life! It’s all about attitude. Desires are impulses for all ages. Dare and enjoy!