When the courtship goes through slumps which switch off the illusion again and again, we feel it is time to surrender. Everything seems to be logical, but at the final decision, the question of whether we are doing the right thing or not. Is it worth trying it again?

Even the most beautiful relationship experienced ups and downs, which we must learn to overcome… If there is still love, you are in time to try again and change what you do not like about the relationship. What do you want? The important thing is to be honest with yourself and decide based on that.

You cannot waste someone’s time when you are no longer interested, because in the long term you will do more harm than if you had broken up. But all is not so bad. It is said that “you do not realize what you have until it is gone”. The first thing to do is find out if you still have a chance with him. Remember that a relationship is of two. Make him feel how important he is for you and awaken your creativity: a funny message, a sweet when you see him… Put sparkle to your relationship and spend good times together. It is a matter of patience.

“I suspect that he is unfaithful,” this is one of the most common phrases that weaken relationships. You must learn to differentiate between doubt and a real deception. If you choose to continue with him despite rumors or suspicions, trust is paramount. The other option is to end the relationship and find your prince elsewhere.

Listen to your heart and find out what makes you happiest. There’s nothing men love more than women value themselves and go through life safely; so put your cards on the table and point out what’s bothering you. If you want it, you will seek together a good solution. Is worthwhile to stay with him if you feels safe, loved, unique and happy at his side. You respect each other, seeking the good of the other and both want the relationship to work.

There are many signals that determine that you still love him, such as: you miss him in all times you are not with him and count the minutes to see him. A look, a hug or a kiss of him make you feel butterflies in the stomach; feel that there is no more nor better for you in the world. Everything you see, hear or smell, reminds him and his smile; time flies by his side and you want more.

Take some time to think things through and define your ambitions for your life. Consider the pros and cons. Life is not that difficult if you find what you want and fight to make it happen eventually.