As women, we are intuitive by nature, and also maybe a tiny bit curious. To know the mysteries that lay within our dreams have kept us somewhat restless; even if these dreams occur with animals in different circumstances: approaching us, attacking us, getting us excited or just watching from a distance. If you ever wondered what all this means, this is your opportunity to find out. To dream with a particular animal has a meaning and can affect your life in a certain way, it all depends on the way which they appear:

• Dogs: The dream with dogs affectionately around you means you have the blessing of having real friends in our life. However, if you dream of an angry dog, this might be reflecting an inner feeling. It could be something that bothers or angers you, and that to remain friendly you have not brought to light. It is better if you get rid of that inner rage, because otherwise, you’ll end up hurting yourself and others. Finally, if you dream with a barking of a dog that you cannot see, this could mean that there is something important in your life that you’re not giving the attention it deserves. This could be either because you do not recognize it or do not want to.

• Cats: To dream with cats is related to power of seduction, sensuality and intensified femininity. For example, if you dream with an aggressive cat, this could indicate you will eventually have love problems with your partner, or conflicts with a close friend. Also, to dream with a nocturnal cat could be related to an inner fear of being manipulated by someone who does not care about you at all. In addition, if your partner dreams with a cat, this tends to indicate that this person is sexually dependent. Girls, you have been warned!

• Snakes: You must be very careful with dreams that involve snakes, since these are synonymous of something menacing. Even in nature this animal indicates betrayal and jealousy. If you dream of a snake lurking you, this may be a sign that someone with bad intentions is around you. If the snake bites you in a dream, it means you’ve given too much confidence to someone who does not deserve it.

• Tigers: To dream with big cats such as a tiger is related to authority and leadership, if the tiger stays calmly by your side. However, if the tiger attacks you, it means you’re being or that you are feeling rejected and bullied by others.

• Owls: To dream about owl’s represents mysteries and secrets, both around you and within you. If you dream of an owl staring at you, be careful! This could mean that someone is obsessed with you, watching every step you take.

• Ants: To dream of an army of ants covering your body could mean two things: 1. That you are in a situation from which you want to unconsciously escape and 2. That you feel trapped and dependent on those with senior positions, such as a boss or a supervisor.