The tasseography is a prediction method through the reading of tea leaves in a cup when you finish drinking it. It was originated in the Middle Ages like many divination techniques. this skill was developed many years ago being practiced in a thousand ways: reading the lines of the hands, consulting the dead, interpreting dreams, and even guessing what the traces of tea leaves in a cup have to say.
This skill of clairvoyance is the mixture of various popular cultures of different populations such as Gypsies, Bulgarians, Hungarians and Asians. In the history and culture of the Chinese people tea had a huge impact because of its importance in the traditional industry; since it constituted an indicator of wealth and social status of the owners. But later reading the tea became so popular in China that came to be seen as an art and a mystical science.
Today the practice of divination is widespread in the world, and has become an esoteric and spiritual symbol to achieve harmony with the universe. To achieve doing interpretations with these leaves, you must use china tea or one of a good quality containing a minimum of dust between its leaves. You have to make sure to use a white cup undecorated inside. For each cup of tea that you are going read, you need to pit in the placed in the teapot one and half teaspoon of loose tea leaves; add boiling water and allow to stand with the teapot covered for three minutes before filling the cups.
The person whose luck you are going to guess should drink the whole cup of tea, leaving just the minimum liquid in the bottom to cover the tea leaves. You must take the cup with your left hand if the person is right handed or with your right hand if the person is left-handed; the cup is rotated gently in small circles clockwise seven times, and placed back on the plate. The person who reads it should be relaxed and concentrated; looking at the bottom of the cup, carefully forming the pattern of the leaves to determine the symbolic forms that may arise. These are the most common symbols:
Few leaves: this indicates that you are a stable and disciplined person.
Large amount of splashed leaves: This shows a full life with great prosperity.
Knife: divorce, betrayal, threat.
Bells: cheerful news.
Bird: symbol of good luck, travel, prosperity and money.
Flower: love and happiness.
Skull: death, misfortune.
Dragon: changes and new projects.
Scorpion: you must beware of dangerous situations.
Scissors: bad omen.
Fish: good luck.
Snake: hidden enemies.
Ring: wedding. If it appears broken indicates divorce.
Butterfly: Superficial Joys.
Arrows: alarming news.
Goats: enemies.
Bats: false friends.
It’s tea time! This economic technique will let you know important aspects of your life so you can even try to prevent unwanted events.
Worth it. Good luck!