Knowing the future has been a challenge since ancient times. Oomancy is part of the hidden mysteries of predict the deepest secrets of human life. This is a method of divination that involves the interpretation to know the future predictions through the egg.


According to historians, this ability was very popular in ancient Greece and from them the wise men took the lesson of reading both internal and external egg shell, to predict the fate of people. There are different oomancy techniques, let’s see what they are.



The first is to introduce an egg on a transparent glass with mineral water. Making a small hole in the egg with a pin and holds it until the egg white is in the water. When the egg white and the water are joining, it will takes different shapes and figures which help predict the future; it is interpreted as follows:

Anchor: it is synonymous of hope. This figure also means that the loved one will join by a link to our lives in a significantly way; anchor personalizes firmly hold one thing to another.

Arch: represents some differences in the workplace with coworkers, discord with the couple and conflict situations within the family.

Boat: this symbol announces trips that will bring great benefits to our lives. The boat is a very representative figure in the oomancy; it also means promotion at work and prosperity.

Bubble: many bubbles indicate success in business; few advertise a period in which there will be a shortage of money and stagnation in projects related to commercial activities.

Horseshoe: sign of good luck and auspiciousness especially in finance. The horseshoe is the most popular talisman to attract positive energies and ward off evil.

Star: If the figure takes four-pointed shape, warns conflicts between your loved ones and the urgent need to open communication channels. Five-pointed shape, portends new events in your life and will mark a new stage.

Snake: In this case, if the figure is broken or poorly defined; you will have problems in intimacy with your couple, otherwise, your sexual life will be at the peak of passion.

Clover: is an excellent image because it symbolizes happiness, harmony, prosperity. It is linked to hope and luck; in the work projects will go well and the goals will be achieved satisfactorily.

Another technique is the astral cleaning, to do it, an egg with white shell is passed through the body of the person to be treated; for a week and always at the same time. After that time passed, you break the egg and the figure is interpreted.


Maybe ourselves with our faith we grant power to a endless of inanimate objects; however, the truth is that since ancient times these practices have been used and considered by the man instruments of power.