Your body is your temple, you must take care and monitor its health levels for you to enjoy a peaceful and happy life. It is common to read articles on how to have a balanced diet, basic exercise routine to enjoy a healthy body also mental exercises that helped to balance mind and body. But what happens when you have done all these recommendations and want to know how much progress you have made in achieving your healthy goal?, that is, how can you learn what are your levels of health ?, then do a small study from your daily routine.

The first thing to note, however rare that looks or sounds, when going to the bathroom. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) your urine is healthy if is a light yellow color, which in turn varies depending on the food you eat as beets or blackberries, giving a reddish hue.

But if instead has a dark color, with a strong smell, is recommended to visit the doctor. On the other hand, your body is healthy if you regularly go to the bathroom to get rid of toxins inside, which means you consume enough fiber for the body.

Maintaining a stable weight is another level of health that you can measure and you can do it with a good diet, along with exercise routine, considering that sudden weight changes are not good for the body. Also, NIH detail blood pressure should be between 120/80 mm / Hg and pulse should be between 60 and 80 beats per minute. This is because a healthy body must have high energy levels, if you are from these people, do not know the fatigue and tiredness in your daily routine, at least you subject your body to new activities.

You can also learn how healthy your body is by observing your nails, teeth and gums. Your nails should have an oval, smooth and pink form; your teeth should be semi-translucent and strong, with thin pinkish gums that completely cover the root of your teeth.

But the study does not end there!, a healthy body is not only physical, but mental. To this can help the consumption of vitamin, minerals and antioxidants supplements that will preserve brain tissue. Finally, evaluate your sleep and the quality of it, because such disorders can cause disturbances; reducing the concentration, which in turn impairs performance in your daily activities.

Simple steps to evaluate and maintain your levels of health. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle none of these should be unbalanced, if instead you note any problems, you should seek professional help. You need to pay attention to warnings that sends your body to prevent and avoid any problems.