Pearls are a symbol of elegance, beauty and distinction, which is why we always have a great value to women, comparable even with the most precious stone, but unlike these, which can be found only in nature, pearls can also be produced artificially; and one name that stands out in the cultivation of pearls is Mikimoto Kōkichi, who is credited with creating the first cultivated pearl, through which he initiated and revolutionized the pearl industry.

It all started in the late last century when Mikimoto began rehearsing his technique, inserting a piece of mussel in an oyster, so this will defend the outside body by stimulating the secretion of nacre, which accumulate in at thousands layers, forming a pearl. Unfortunately, his attempts were unsuccessful until July 11, 1893, after also overcome some challenges of nature, his dream became a reality.

Although his pearls were not perfectly spherical, his efforts did not stop there, since the constant pursuit of perfection and a deep love for these jewels allow him to obtain pieces of impeccable beauty, known as akoya pearls which would become his greatest legacy and would earn him the title of pearl king.

That was how in 1899, in the fashionable shopping district of Tokyo, opened its first pearl boutique and its success was such that began to achieve worldwide fame, so they created some more in London, Paris and other major cities. And in the year 1919, they began to mass produce and market the pearls, managing to satisfy all the demand that existed at that time. One of the greatest honors he received was in 1924, when the Emperor of Japan appointed him official jeweler of the Imperial Family.

Product of his fame, Mikimoto traveled around the world exhibiting his work, one of his most successful campaigns was creating replicas and historic buildings and objects made of pearls for its jewelers. Moreover, thanks to him, these pearls, which traditionally had a very high price and were used only by women of the highest social spheres, began to adorn the neck of many women in various parts of the world.

But one of the most iconic and most famous jewels of the story was the pearl necklace used by Marilyn Monroe, bought in a Mikimoto store in Tokyo by her boyfriend Joe DiMaggio, during their honeymoon in Japan in the year 1954. However, this was not their only famous jewel, as also highlights the phoenix crown, created in 2001 for the winner of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant.

In this way the legend of Mikimoto was created, and although this brand is not alone in the market for pearls, their pieces will remain the most revered worldwide for its beauty.



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