One of the most revered stones in the world is the jade, because of the significance that has had on the ancient civilizations and in particular China and Mesoamerica. However, the first to recognize its importance were the Chinese, who has always considered it a sacred stone, using it not only to produce utensils and jewelry, but also to represent their most important deities. As well as employed in the costumes and the objects with that they buried their emperors.
Similarly, both Maya as Olmec and Aztecs, gave a similar use, thus creating a legacy of large works made of jade, some of which are now known and many others have been lost in time. Although, these cultures were the most worked this stone, in the world there are several masterpieces made of jade:
The funeral masks of the Maya: The essential components of this collection of masks are jade and obsidian. It consists of 15 funeral masks of Mayan leaders with their treasures, these have been restored over the years and the most notably is the king of Janaab Pakal Kinich, who ruled a state maya in the VII century AD.
The emerald Buddha: This is the main religious icon of the people of Thailand, which is said was created and brought from India. It is a representation of a buddha made in green jade, sitting and dressed in clothes of gold; of an approximate height of 45 centimeters.
The Buddhas of jade: Are two beautiful figures made in white jade, brought from Burma. One is a sitting buddha, measuring more than 2 meters in height and weighs approximately 200 kilo, while the other sculpture represents a reclining Buddha, but of smaller size. However, the two reproduced images of Buddha most venerated in the city of Shanghai in China.
The jade head of Belize: Represents the Mayan god of the sun, Kinich Ahau, the same was discovered in 1968, weighs 4.5 kilo and measures 15 centimeters high, which makes it the largest object of carved jade found in the area.
The jade pendant of Belize: it is considered as the second national treasure of Belize, after the head of jade. This is a royal Maya pendant, of which it is said, was very used by the governor while performing the ceremony of sacrifice becoming bleed.
In addition to these works, considered as the main legacies, there are many other pieces of different sizes and with meanings still unknown. However, the most important cultures around the jade, maybe don’t showed us everything that they were able to do with this stone, which very possibly we missing to know a lot of works that, surely, we will continue to fascinate.
It is always comforting to know there is a gemstone in nature that helps you release negative thoughts and to help you balance your inner energies.