Throughout the “parental controls”, it is possible that as mothers, we can avoid our children to be exposed to inappropriate contents, and any other that we consider wrong or bad for them, through Internet’s universe. Despite that the possibilities of learning are infinite, it is not a lie that in the same way, in amount and diversity, are the sources of “mental pollution” that your little ones can suffer. So as a responsible mother, you are concerned about what your children watch and listen, this article is for you.
Kids nowadays, seem to be bien with a “chip” that provides them extraordinary abilities to “devour” any knowledge related with technology. They don’t need a course, and sometimes, not even major explanations to learn how to use last generation “smartphones”. We realized that only with one look, they learn how to use the computer, laptop or tablet or any other of these objects, and we watch them “surfing online” through web pages that we might not ever seen before.
That is how kids are today. But as their mothers have we tried to advance with them?, or in the opposite, we even call them to ask for help and orientation about how to turn on the computer of our own house or how to copy and paste a massage from our cell phone? If you are the second type of mother, I think you might be in troubles, and because of that we might not identified ourselves with this area of knowledge, I invite you to get closer to it. It doesn’t bite and I think that any effort is worthy if it’s about our children’s security.
But we also might not know from what do we have to protect them. Even if you don’t believe it, children can be in contact with the rough world of pornography, even child pornography. They have access to photos and videos of any type, not only with sexual content, but also related to extreme violence. They can be victims of the cyber predators, people who can attack them first by winning their trust and then abuse them psychologically or physically, this phenomenon is known as “grooming”. But more important than that is knowing: What can you do?, follow us.
There are apps that can be downloaded from PC or “Smartphones” that don’t allow the access of our children to web pages with violent or sexual contents, throughout a simple blocking, that is even applicable to TV. In the same way, they control text messages and phone calls that we consider inappropriate or unknown; they are also capable of limiting the time that our children expend in internet playing video games or in other apps.
Lastly, but not less important, and for which you don’t need to be an expert in technology, always keep open the communication channels with your children. Fill them with love and trust, and that will guarantee the succes of any device.