Conceiving a child is one of the most spectacular experiences that can happen to anyone. Regardless of gender, bringing a baby to life is undoubtedly one of the most important events in life. Knowing that this small creature is the fruit of the love of a couple can strengthen the relationship or sometimes foster momentary crises as a result of the depression that  a woman suffers before and after childbirth.

This trance can cause diverse situations in the labouring woman. You should consider that, if it is her first-time giving birth, novelty and joy often fades after internalizing the responsibilities you must carry out if you want your baby to be born healthy and strong.

One of the first rules that your obstetrician will recommend and even demand for the purpose of ensuring the proper formation of the fetus, is to stop smoking. Added to this, physical manifestations such as nausea, fatigue or tiredness can generate additional stress and even fear.

Pregnant women may have sporadic bouts of anxiety and distress that not only harm the baby’s health, but also puts the mother’s own difficulties in jeopardy. In addition, maintaining the work and home responsibilities can prolong, during weeks 36 to 40, the incidences of the pregnancy that are not pleasant to bear.

During this beautiful stage, many are the hormonal changes the woman will experience and may suffer from fear or panic. Faced with the question of what can cause them, unconsciously, doubts are generated in this new role that is looming.

Fears regarding how to take care of the baby, the changes in their social and family life and, the most fulminant of all, questioning whether she will be a good mother, could produce a windstorm of emotions that makes her prone to pre and postpartum depression.

This condition, in relation to the hormonal changes that are suffered during this stage, is not cause for concern. Self-evaluate your condition and, if you think you need it, see your doctor ,who will listen to you and will take care of you properly, because if the emotional peaks persist, it could lead to a premature birth.

After childbirth, anxiety and depression attacks may persist over time and, worse, increase as a result of the physical and chemical changes experienced in the last few hours. Remember, on this occasion, the cause of mood swings is present.

For this reason, the new mother can succumb due to fatigue and the responsibility of giving birth, leading to postpartum depression. In addition, sadness and loneliness often seize the woman during the first days of birth.

It is of utmost importance that you control through breathing techniques, episodes of stress, anxiety and depression, because if stress persists after the baby is born, it can affect the physical state of the mother and generate a loss of appetite and difficulty sleeping .