Before we have a teeth whitening, we must know some things; taking into account that the first advice is, that the most important thing is to consult a professional dentist, since he has the knowledge and experience in this area. However, we will highlight the fact that There are two methods, the one applied at home and the second one performed in a specialized dental clinic.

Blanqueamiento Dental Dientes Sonrisa

The teeth whitening in the clinic is carried out by applying the technology of an LED light lamp; which is directed towards the teeth of the person; activating and making the bleach more powerful than previously applied on the teeth; although it is also recommended to apply it at home, but supervised by a dental professional.

This type of treatment in clinics may vary, since a treatment could be applied ambulatory, through which the dentist makes a mould of the person’s teeth, to make a splint that adapts to the shape and dimensions of his mouth. Subsequently, the person uses this splint in his home, filling it with the whitening gel recommended by the dentist, to be applied for 2 hours a day (day or night); over a period of two to three weeks, to ensure that the bleaching process is effective and it achieves the expected results.

Another method of teeth whitening is that of Oral-B strips; that most people consider as very comfortable; but that are used as a reinforcement of the whitening treatment applied in a clinic, with the aim of reinforcing this procedure, so that the teeth remain white for a longer time.

Ceramic veneers are another effective resource for teeth whitening, and consist of a series of very thin sheets, made of porcelain, which are placed on the visible face of the tooth. To apply this treatment, a study of the person’s smile must first be carried out to analyse the changes that are required. Subsequently, very fine drills are used to model the teeth, applying them on their visible face of the tooth.

Carillas Dentales Sonrisa Blanqueamiento Dental

But, let’s talk about what must be done before a teeth whitening is done; starting by attending an appointment with the dentist, who will evaluate the conditions of the denture and make the necessary recommendations, taking into consideration the following aspects:

Existence of cavities: It is not recommended to apply bleaching dental teeth that have cavities, because there is a risk of that the peroxide present in the dental bleach irritates the dental pulp or nerve; causing severe damage, which in many cases require an extraction or endodontics, which is a loss that no person would like to have, so the corresponding precautions must be taken before applying this type of treatment.

Previous restorations performed on the teeth: It should be clarified that it is essential to review the old restorations that have the teeth, such as amalgams, resins, crowns or veneers, to avoid leaking bleach into the pulp; that can damage the tooth, as in the case of caries not restored; where the nerve could be affected and may have to be removed. However, it should be said that if the restorations are in good condition, this treatment does not cause any negative effect on the teeth.

Restauración Dental Dientes

Tooth sensitivity: Teeth whitening in people suffering from dental hypersensitivity must be followed in a dental office, as there must be strict control of the amount of peroxide that is applied to the teeth, so as not to cause severe damage to both the denture and the gums.

Existence of stains: Tooth whitening on teeth with stains takes longer, depending on the type of stain; being more difficult to eliminate those that have been caused by medications such as antibiotics or excess fluoride, because they penetrate beyond what they do that are caused by eating habits.

Dientes Manchas Sonrisa

Gingivitis disease: When a person suffers from this disease, it is risky to apply a teeth whitening; because one of the conditions to do it is to have healthy gums, and gingivitis is an affectation in this part of the mouth, which produces inflammation; being able to cause chemical or thermal burns, to apply bleaches containing hydrogen peroxide or 10 or 16% carbamide peroxide.

Finally, we must emphasize that there are some very important contraindications that must be taken into account, before applying tooth whitening; which include cases of pregnant or breastfeeding women; as well as in children under 13 years; therefore, the application of any method in such cases should be avoided; and consult your trusted dentist.

Blanqueamiento Dental Clinica Dientes