Wear a red hair is to achieve an exotic and spectacular appearance, full brightness, sensuality and especially style. The red never out of fashion, don’t matter how much time passes, as well as being ideal for white skins, brown and not so dark, it is an excellent option for any woman.

Although red is an exceedingly striking and beautiful color, often it tend to lose brightness when the hair is not properly care. Therefore, who decides paint their hair this color, should be completely sure and ready to apply all necessary resources to keep the same tone.

Very often, the red tends to fall very quickly and the sun is responsible to clear it, so it becomes other color schemes, such as copper, opaque red and even with orange flashes, it would change completely the elegant style, per se, manifested by the red color.

But don’t panic, if you made the decision to paint your hair, then you know you should often take care of it to achieve look like a real redhead. To do this, you need to apply a good dye. You should know what kind of brand is the most recommended, not only for being the most popular, but the more effective because the constant advertising of a product does not determine nor guarantee its effectiveness.

It is also important to apply the dye every four weeks and use products that are specialized in protecting the color, especially in the case of shampoo, conditioner or other product that corresponds to imply hair care; it must also avoid contact with chemicals that can damage it and clarify hair, such as pool water, use a strong shampoo or products to smooth.

When applying any dye, consider that will employ hydrogen peroxide, then, if this is too strong can subtract color tonality. Also, keep in mind that the roots should be painted very well because they are the first to be affected.

Know that look like the ideal redhead in the opportunities, will require time, patience and perseverance, which will determine the transformation and satisfaction on your hair color; Above all, this process often happens in cases of women who have a very dark base and must apply a bleaching cream.

As you apply each dye and test each product, yourself will know the perfect shade of red that you like. We wish you to enjoy, good luck.