Daith piercing is a form of jewelry that heals the pain. They are part of non-traditional medicine and have been used for thousands of years by the Chinese medicine, apparently achieving better results than the traditional medicine, which sometimes cannot heal illnesses that could be considered insignificant when compared to traditional diseases.
One of its uses is to help relieve migraine through auricular acupuncture, a completely natural way of relieving chronic headaches through a specific type of ear piercing.
Millions of people suffer from headaches or migraines regularly, and many of them turn to homeopathy in an effort to heal their pain in a natural way. The treatment is very similar to reflexology, since it stimulates a reflex point and regulates the abnormalities between the different parts of the body. However, with the needles or piercings, different parts of the ear are stimulated with the pressure of the fingers.
One of the main acupuncture points in the ear is exactly where the Daith piercing is put on. It passes through the ear’s innermost cartilage fold, the crus of the helix. That relieves the symptoms of migraine. It is like receiving a permanent dose of acupuncture.
There is another advantage to this type of piercing: it looks good. It looks just like a common accessory, and no one will know that it actually has healing properties.
The traditional Chinese Medicine includes a discipline called Auriculotherapy. According to the founder of this discipline, Dr. Nogier, the ear is a microsystem in the whole organism, and it is full of reflex points, related to different areas of the body. Dr. Nogier discovered the possibility of relieving the pain of any part of the body by applying micro stimulations at these points of the ear. paraloscuriosos.com
Doctor Thomas Cohn used to tell people to visit an acupuncturist and check if the needles, put in a particular point of the ear, would relieve their pain.
“If it works, then you should get a permanent piercing in that point”
“If you have a migraine, softly massage this point on your ear with your thumb and middle finger. Do the same on the other ear after a couple of minutes, or do it on both ears at the same time”.
If you often suffer from headaches and you feel relieved after that, then a daith piercing could be the solution for you”.
The decision of getting a daith piercing to relieve symptoms of migraine is only yours. You must look for a clean place and have the area completely sterilized. Remember that you are piercing a part of your body, and if you do not take the right measures, you could get an infection.