Turned into a pandemic with devastating scope, the famous Coronavirus, which has turned scientists, doctors, companies and citizens from all over the world upside down, belongs to a family of respiratory viruses that causes a series of diseases that go from a simple cold to much more serious cases such as the so-called severe acute respiratory syndrome.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Virus Enfermedad

This virus, also known as COVID-19, is about a strain that started affecting animals, and had never been related to and identified in humans before, so that it mutated from the strain of animals. This strain causes symptoms very similar to those of a simple flu, feverish pictures above 38 °C, shortness of breath and cough appearing, which manifest between the first day the person was exposed to the virus up to 12 days later.

The person becomes infected by contact with an already infected person, either by exposure to drops or fluid from the nose or mouth that are expelled when coughing or exhaling. On the other hand, these secretions can fall on surfaces of different objects, and if they are touched, you can catch the disease of the coronavirus through your hands, with which you subsequently touch your eyes, nose or mouth.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Virus Enfermedad Contagio

For these reasons, it is essential that a distance of at least one meter be maintained with people who are already infected. According to the World Health Organization, WHO, the follow-up of the regulations that have been established in each country is of vital importance to stop the accelerated growth of this virus worldwide.

In all the media and social networks, much emphasis has been placed on due prevention, which begins by washing your hands often with soap and water, rubbing the fingers of both hands against each other, as well as applying alcohol or a hydro alcoholic solution in the hands.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Virus Enfermedad Prevención Lavar Manos

Likewise, both nose and mouth must be covered when sneezing or coughing, preferably with disposable tissues, which must be thrown away immediately. Further, you must avoid places where there is a lot of crowding, and stay away from people who are already infected. Do not travel to places where there are many cases of coronavirus or that can be suspect of coronavirus if there are flu symptoms.

The wearing of the mask is necessary if you are already infected, but in case of being healthy, it is not mandatory to wear it, unless you are caring for someone infected with the coronavirus COVID-19, or have been sneezing and coughing and have not been diagnosed yet. In addition to the coronavirus COVID-19, another strain called SARS-COV-2 has appeared, and both and the disease they cause were unknown until December 2019, when the first outbreak appeared in Wuhan, China.

Although global concern about this virus is enormous and many countries are on alert, it should be remembered that 80% of infected people recover, while 1 out of every 6 people who become infected with the coronavirus COVID-19 go on to develop a serious disease where shortness of breath is the main condition and in some cases, kidney failure and pneumonia can appear, causing death.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Virus Enfermedad Pandemia

On the other hand, the most serious cases and the majority of deaths have occurred in individuals who are elderly or already have heart or lungs diseases, or by weakening of the immune system, being in unfavorable conditions to face the complications caused by the virus.

Currently, there is no specific treatment to treat coronavirus, for which certain antiviral with which favourable results have been achieved according to the studies being carried out. It is important to know that antibiotics should not be used as a means of treatment or prevention because the infection is caused by a virus.

Regarding the official figures handled by the WHO (World Health Organization), Italy has become the second country where more people have died until March 17th, 2020, with a total of 2,503 deceased of the 27,980 confirmed cases. The region of Italy where there are the most cases is Lombardy, located in the north of the country, although there are 20 affected regions and the dramatic rise of the virus in this country goes on.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Virus Enfermedad Detección Casos Confirmados Pandemia

China, where the first coronavirus outbreak occurred, leads the ranking of diagnoses and deaths, registering 3,231 deceased and a total of 81,116 confirmed cases, meanwhile in Iran the amount of deaths also increases and it is in third place with 14,991 cases and 853 deaths.

For its part, in Spain the number of reported cases nationwide amounts to 9,191 with 309 deaths, with which it ranks fourth among the countries with the most confirmed cases and deaths from coronavirus.

In total, from December 31st, 2019 until March 17th, 2020, according to the WHO, 179,112 cases of COVID-19 and 7,426 deaths have been registered. The countries where there have been more deaths are China (3,231), Italy (2,503), Iran (853), Spain (309), France (148), South Korea (81) and the United States (58). In Latin America, this virus had taken long before it got there, but its presence has already been confirmed in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Peru, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay and Venezuela.

Given this panorama, the epidemic must be taken seriously; therefore, it is best to take care of yourself to prevent new cases.