Traveling with sons in teen stage and together to their friends, represents for the parents an excellent option at the time of enquire how feel their descendants and what they may be facing in this cycle of life; since on time they initiated this period, they go through many changes both physical and emotional; generating in most cases instability in their self-esteem, which is why it is essential that parents are attentive during this process, willing to provide the required care. Therefore, if you want to know how is your teenager, one of the ways to do this is by involving regularly to their friends at family gatherings.

When we travel with young children, parents focus their attention on protecting them; abiding limitations and detecting the dangers to some actions that may attract the attention of children. But when it is about guys who have greater common sense, generally, their weakness is clinging to be accompanied at any social environment; experiencing emotions and ignoring the good and the bad. Therefore, the parents are in the constant commitment to strengthen the confidence that their teenage children may have on them, giving respect and understanding.

The main advantage on doing moderately a trip or walk with your teenage children in the company of their friends, is to ensure that they have a better acceptance and integration into their friendly circle; which in turn will motivate the socialization among them, helping to lose the embarrassment that they might feel for various reasons and giving them greater security in themselves.

The result will be to make the roller coaster of adolescence identified by having multiple ascents and lows, have mostly successful experiences. In other words, the young will have the opportunity to record in his memory pleasant moments in which enjoys the interaction with their friends. These experiences are ideal for creating a harmonious loop that allows him to foster lasting relationships over time; in addition to know who are the people who frequent with your children, how they behave, what are their habits and what influence they can have on them.

As parents we persistently seek the well-being of our children, with the firm intention to understand them and support them in the clearance of all their unknowns. Young people during this phase of changes, often they close to the fluid dialog with adults, therefore, generate some adventures; can be crucial to make them feel part of a comfortable atmosphere in which they can express themselves freely.

That the children not be isolate from the society and the family in this transcendental stage of their existence, it depends heavily on parents; each time – within and outside the home- shared with them, will be efficient methods to get to know them; identifying their needs and supporting them favorably. Furthermore, these strategies contribute in that your adolescents unfold with security in any area and environment in which they are located. And you, how do you know how is your teen?




  1. Gloria Houston says:

    It is a very good experience, I think my son’s friends like me, I’m a modern mom, but these tips will probably make them like me even more! thanks, very good article!

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