In a convulsed world with technology moving forward, the super saturation of information and the several changes in society; finding peace is a demanded need. In a crystals and stones talking, finding that calming sensation and getting the spirit’s uprising where everything’s balanced and harmonized, is a possible thing to obtain thanks to the angelica.

This stunning stone, with its soft and soothing blue colors, allows a connection with the angelical and passive world so needed in present times; moreover, having that bond to the kingdom of heaven, helps the conscious alertness as bright beings, capable of finding spiritual, physical and emotional healing.

The angelica is a non-hybrid stone, composed by anhydrous calcium sulfate. It contains a relaxing blue heaven color originated for compacted crystals for many years. This beautiful gem can be found worldwide, its principal deposits are in Germany, Peru, Mexico and United States.

Because of its unique connection to heaven and angels, the angelica contains wonderful spiritual healing powers, making it a commanding element for meditation and healing with crystals.
In this aspect, its potentialities are amazing, because it allows the soul to travel in spiritual levels helping healing and transform pain. It provides better telepathic abilities, helps the connection with spiritual beings, superiors and angels.

It has emotional qualities that allow the person draw tranquility of emotions. It also helps reduce fears, anxiety and anger; it raises the compassion levels and makes the person more kind and forgivable. In addition, it makes the person more communicative and self-accepted by making them love themselves.

On the other hand, in physical healing aspects, this Stone is used to regulate the endocrine and circulatory systems. It is related with the fifth chakra called “vishuda” that helps relieve sore throats and voice problems; it helps the function of the thyroid gland and reduces body weight.

In an integral aspect, this stone has the quality that can be used as an amulet against negative energies by balancing and cleaning them. It stimulates the ability of being heard and uttered by wearing it as a ring; if it is wore as a neckless it helps people with the faculty to heal, because it cleans all those energies presented in a healing procedure. In the same way, it is perfect to gain calm and mental peace; you can find the majority if its positive effects by wearing it as an earring.

The ability to connect with the kingdom of heaven, finding interior peace, free energetic blocks, healing the aura and opening paths to heaven inspiration in conscious, placed the angelica as one of the most powerful stone to find abundance.
Let the angelica energized and heal you with its divine heavenly light!