Among the great mysteries that abound in this universe, there are people who are born with gifts or extraordinary qualities; some more developed than others. Such is the case of clairvoyance, which holds countless questions with different answers. What is clairvoyance? What need know about it?

Clairvoyance is the psychic ability, which some people enjoy to look beyond (what is hidden from the physical sight of the mortals).The clairvoyance can also be categorized as the gift of the sixth sense, because through it, is obtained or hidden information is transferred, about people, places, events or objects, through the senses and extrasensory form.

The theme of the clairvoyance has been very controversial over the years, as the scientific field does not endorse the existence of the supernatural. It is said that some people not born with this gift, develop as a result of some important event in their lives, for example: have been in contact with death. It is believed that to develop the gift of clairvoyance should expand the base of the knowledge of the physical reality, as well as have a larger internal meditation, because this is corresponded to be the highest part of the imagination.

According to the researchers of parapsychology, argue that there are two types of clairvoyance: the people that can see into the past and the present, and those that predict what will happen in the future; in this sense, it is said that the awareness of those persons possessing this gift, works in altered form and according to them, receive information through sensitive channels, which give them visions very clear and precise.

Continuing with the opinion of the parapsychologists, they ensure that the clairvoyance can developed by stimulating the activation of the greater role of two small glands brain (pituitary gland and the pineal), because according to the researchers in this branch, the same are responsible for activating the third eye; which they consider it is the center of energy used by the people who enjoy this ability. Many people take advantage from this gift to perform clairvoyance therapies to people; where in a state of deep meditation, the clairvoyant in question, will have access to all the hidden information and that which will happen in the life of their read, through objects, smells, sounds, images, feelings, and thus get to the source of the problem or doubt by which the needy person came to this.

For sure, it has not been demonstrated if this skill is a reality or just a myth, the truth is that as well as it cannot be denied, nor can we say if this gift is true and real. Until now, to some scientists the clairvoyance does not exist, but it is also true, that there is always to see beyond the senses.

It is the mind who leads the thoughts, choose positive thoughts and wonderful events will come to your life. This energy increases the good vibrations!



  1. Marian says:

    I’ve never experience the opportunity of having these kind of therapy but as long as it brings peace to the mind why not practice it.

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