One of the characteristics of children with problems is rebellion in their childhood. It starts with little messages when they are about two years old, and if not corrected, it can grow fast, to the point that for the rest of the members of the family, teachers and close friends, it will be uncomfortable to be with them.


Generally, parents don’t realize or ignore that they have a problem, which makes the situation get out of control. It could even lead to something worse. However, if they are corrected from the beginning it is easier to control.

Tantrums, exaggerated reactions, yelling, throwing things on the floor and other disturbing behaviors belong to a group that manifests the inconformity of children who react rudely when they are not pleased. That’s when parents must react and use the correct measures to stop and prepare their children for a minimum level of education and respect for other human beings.


Emma Jenner says that “Children are capable of much more than what parents normally expect from them, regarding their manners, respecting others, daily tests, generosity or self-control. You believe a child is not capable of washing the dishes without being asked? It is not like that. The only reason they do not behave well is because they have not been shown how to do it, and because you don’t expect them to do it. It is that simple. Be more demanding and your child will know how to behave”.

Kids who are not obedient make obstacles for their formation at home and school, and these actions “make it very hard for parents and teachers to educate these children”, says psychiatrist Maria Jesus Mardomingo. She also says that fighting against indiscipline to change attitudes is possible, but “an absolute participation from parents is necessary”. Rocio Ramos-Paul, psychologist, points out that the role of parents is to “guide their children’s behavior and teach them the correct way to express their anger, tiredness or discomfort”.

Small girl reading a book and crying

One way to teach a child how to obey is to put them in a routine, keeping a schedule and a stable rhythm of life. This is essential to change their behavior and help them meet their obligations. If things are organized, children will naturally create a collaborative, respectful and attentive behavior. Remember that bad attitudes must be reprehended and good ones must be awarded.