Wednesday, January 6th, 2016. The reality show American Idol comes to an end after 15 seasons; millions of contestants and dreamers will say goodbye to the program in a big way, with the participation of former judges, and his eternal and charismatic host Ryan Seacrest. Idol is a show talent that was led by three […]
Category Archives: People
Friday, January 8th 2016. David Bowie is 69 years old today, managing to remain in the scene as a timeless icon. His life is rich in events, but his shows present certain defining details. The artist was born David Robert Jones, on January 8th of 1947 in London. Worldwide known as David Bowie, in honor […]
Friday, 08 January, 2016. Michael Fassbender, is a 38-year-old actor. Who has slowly placed himself in Hollywood’s list of essentials. He is German, but has a mix of different nationalities; since he is of Irish blood and lives in London. His first unforgettable appearance was in the movie 300, as Stelios, right hand to King […]
Thursday, January 7, 2016. Next Sunday January 10, this season’s most important film awards begin, AKA, The Golden Globes; the Screen Actors Guild Award and the Academy Award. As usual, there is a great variety of films to reward and enjoy. There is talk about the winners and style the artist will be displaying long […]
Thursday, January 7th 2016. American actress Anne Hathaway posted on her Instagram profile a picture of her pregnancy. The initiative came after the artist realized she was being photographed and that her privacy was being invaded, so she reacted quickly. As a footnote to the picture she wrote the following message: Happy 2016 to my […]
Friday, December 4th of 2015. The American actress Anne Hathaway is pregnant! Last Wednesday, December 3rd the news chain E! Entertainment Television leaked the information along with a picture confirming her baby belly. It was speculated that the actress might be pregnant, but she never confirmed or denied it herself; thereby protecting the privacy of […]
Tuesday, January 5th 2016. Electronic music is an entirely different universe in regards to other musical genres. It’s loud, happy, contagious and danceable. Up next, the essentials of electronic music: This musical genre is controlled by a DJ, the lone musician in charge of mixing sounds. It’s become very popular due to the fusion with […]
Tuesday, January 5th 2016. The synonym for excellence and versatility in Hollywood has a name, Meryl Streep; the 65-year-old actress, who is now a living legend thanks to her acting skills and broad appreciation of her work. Still considers she can give more of herself yet and, that with every new incarnation she shows more […]
Monday, 4th of January 2016. We are in 2016, and new fashion proposal start to emerge, as much in activities as in colors. This year the rose quartz is the protagonist of style. But, what is Pantone? It is a company that annually proposes the colorful tonality in trend, used in design schemes, graphic projects, […]
Monday, January 4th 2016. As the years go by we’ve found ourselves more involved in the Korean entertainment scene, more and more girls are enjoying the Doramas, or even dancing to K-Pop. Let’s get to know what they offer us: K-Pop means “Korean Pop”, Korean music that consists of music bands with lots of girls […]