To rub your partner´s skin not only brings pleasure, it is also a way express tenderness, love, acceptance and security. Touching is related to the recognition of that person´s presence. You don’t need your hands to do this, it could also be verbal, which are extremely important since they show support, excitement, motivate and give self-esteem.
Where there are no caresses, there could exist a feeling of being ignored, making the person want to seek attention from us. It is important that we understand and know how to give these and to be able to receive them back properly. Even if your partner is not too keen on this, be patient that when you give, eventually at some point, you will receive.
If you like the caresses, it is important that you transmit this, letting the other person know how you feel. You can take advantage of your partner’s strengths and positive aspects to know what he likes, and so, create a positive atmosphere between the two and by doing so, developing mutual confidence. There are two types of caresses: positive and negative.
On one hand, positive strokes serve to direct a particular behavior, congratulate and thank for a pleasant and acceptable action the person gave you. On the other hand, negative attitudes are based on feelings of emptiness and low self-worth, as if the person does not care. It is the classic case of someone ignored or simply annoying.
Don’t wait for your partner to start the process and don’t lose your patience if the person does not respond quickly. Give it time so you both get to know each other’s more comfortable areas and include them in your daily intimacy. Feel free to touch as much as you feel like, and when receiving remember to say thank you. Also, thank your partner when he comments you on something he wants you to improve.
Caresses are synonym for things like: “I love it”, “that feels amazing”, “I like that” and “I want more!”.
Stroking your partner is emotional thing; ask to be a caressed on your back or feet as a fun way to start getting sexual. Once you begin, try other body parts such as: lips, hair, hips, abdomen, arms, and other parts that you believe and consider he is most sensitive.
It is important to note when they are appropriate and necessary to include them from time to time, and pay attention to your partners’ intention, it could be for pleasure or just to reassure you his love. Make sure it is mutual so you both enjoy, and pay attention to those places he likes best; otherwise it could damage the moment.