Candles have been associated since ancient times with spiritual rites and ceremonies, for meditation and also to harmonize the environment. In the holiday season thousands of families have traditionally light candles at Christmas because they symbolize light, peace and tranquility.

In the Zodiac, candles also have an important and symbolic representation in each sign; each color works on certain levels and achieve specific objectives; pay attention to the color of the candle for each Zodiac sign that should light this Christmas.


Aries: Red is the ideal color for this sign. This color activates the positive energies and strengthen everything you do; will stimulate the sense of pleasure on things that have you perform.


Taurus: green in all shades is their color. It shall promote economic stability, both at home and at work; It will also encourage the psychic and spiritual values.


Gemini: lavender, gray and blue are favorable. Turning on any of these candles at Christmas will activate your analytical skills and will benefit you positively in business.

Cancer: Take advantage of the power of candles in white and light yellow to attract good fortune and money. These colors will help you to revitalize environments and load them with fluid and new energy.

Leo: Light candles in red, orange or golden yellow tones. Your decision-making and control of your emotions will be very well channeled; money and economic prosperity will open doors.

Virgo: This sign needs to transmit serenity in difficult situations, candles in brown and blue encourage reflection and calm; It will also promote more harmonious and fluid relationships.


Libra: place candles copper-colored, light green and red to attract prosperity and good luck; also will benefit the love, passion, sexuality and all that is needing sense of reality.

Scorpio: A light blue or a white candle will help you to have more self-control of your hidden emotions and stimulate reflection and calm; also they are recommended for protection and love.

Sagittarius: Blue candles are directly related to Sagittarius, these are the ones you have to light when you’re seeking peace, they promote courage, calmness and serenity.

Capricorn: Dark green protects this earth sign that frequently achieve what they want. This color represents patience and reflection.

Aquarius: To keep in touch with their spirituality, light yellow or white candles. It is important to promote the emotional side of this sign because he doesn’t like too much familiarity.

Pisces: This sign is sensitive and imaginative, place light blue or blue candles that will help you find the balance between fantasy and real life. To activate the meditation and concentration is always the ideal color.

Candles are associated with the flow of energy and the transformation of our lives; light them this Christmas is a symbol of love and warmth, all the colors vibrate like an emblem of balance and magic power!
