When you are a mother many doubts rise about various topics related to the baby. One of the most important and has caused more controversy in recent years is breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is the milk that provides a mother to her baby through the breast. It is vitally important because this helps the proper development and growth of the child; and contributes to maintaining your health in optimum condition.

From birth, the baby should be breastfed as it reduces the chances that the small child will suffer gastrointestinal diseases; also improves the child’s immune system, making it less likely to get viral diseases and allergies.

Because of the great benefits to the baby being breastfed during the first months of life, there is doubt about the right time in which the mother must stop breastfeeding.

WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that mother feed her child exclusively with breastfed milk for the first six months of life. After this period, is recommended to incorporate other types of food to the baby’s diet, while breast-feeding up to two years.

There are many factors that affect the baby’s feeding time, and although an agreement exists in the world that weaning must occur at two years old, this is a decision that ultimately only the mother can take.

If you are planning to stop breastfeed your baby should take into account the age of the same. If you do so before twelve months, you must replace breast milk with bottle formulas; however, if the child is over one year, probably is already fed with solids, so it is not necessary to replace the milk.

It is important that, when you stop breastfeeding don’t do it abruptly, as both you and the child will suffer and could become a traumatic experience for both.

The best strategy to stop breastfeeding successfully is the “no reject, no offer.” In this, you should not offer the breast to the child as a way to calm or sleep him, but should not refuse when the baby is hungry and asks for it. It’s an easy way to get the little one used to living without breast milk.

Breastfeeding is a way to contribute directly to the health of your little one, whether you are a novice or experienced mother, your instinct will tell you when will be the right time to stop doing it.

Do not be afraid to breast-feed your baby. Although doing so may cause some fear to the mother, we assure you is a unique experience to remember for a lifetime. Besides being a way in which you can strengthen the special bond between you and your baby.





  1. Marian says:

    This is actually of great help, my cousin has been breastfeeding for the past year an a half and is so difficult for her to detached from the baby girl. She will love this article.

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