The breast reduction surgery is a surgical operation that is performed with the intention to reduce the volume and excessive weight of the same. In this way, it is removed all the excess tissue and sagging skin; for this it is necessarily required a reaffirmation of the breasts.

Its procedure is quite complex, it needs a cut of three scars: the first around the areola, the second vertical and the third horizontal. The technique must be very precise guaranteeing the symmetry, something a little difficult in almost all women, in which always highlights a breast larger than other.


The reason that drives to women to make themselves this type of interventions, it is not only associated with the aesthetic; but also to frequent back pains, caused by the excessive weight that they exert on the body.

Other reasons are the constant discomfort with the bra; especially in strips on the shoulders; appearing skin irritations, at the height of the brooches and below the breasts, becoming extremely abused. In the YouTube channel jordiochoa, we introduce you the procedures in an operation of reductive mammoplasty.

Regularly it is a surgery that is performed with general anesthesia, and the risks are the same to any other operation by simple that is; can last between two and four hours, according to the technique used in the procedure; which must be previously discussed.

In regard to the scars, has to particularly do with the organic response of the person; due to the formation of “keloids” or overgrowth of scar tissue, a condition presented in some patients. Therefore, if you have a genetic predisposition in your skin to form scars of this type; you must tell it to your doctor in order to take preventive measures, who will indicate you treatments with beta therapy for help.


However, it is necessary to do the incisions that are required; in order to obtain a lasting effect for much longer time and achieve an attractive aesthetic appearance. The points are inside the skin, being reabsorbed by the body; in the same way, surgical marks when they are well maintained, often go unnoticed disappearing gradually over time.


After the surgery, you may have moderate pain, which are treated with analgesics; getting better in a time of two to three days. Also, it is left installed a drain in each breast during 72 hours.

While recovering the patient should use a postoperative bra, appropriate to their new size; a variable measure during the first year. Side effects are temporary, accompanied by inflammation, alteration of the sensitivity and a slight pressure in the chest; in addition they will be able to return to their normal activities after a week.

Breasts are a focal and attractive point in the female beauty, experience a change so complete with excellent results; will make you feel comfortable and happy to have opted for the most appropriate alternative.